
A simple editor for Battlezone heightmap (*.hgt) files.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A simple editor for Battlezone heightmap (*.hgt) files.

How to: Launch via command line. Give it one argument: the path to the hgt file you wish to edit.

Do your editing.

Exit the window when done.

Command prompt will ask you if you want save.

Say yes or no.

If yes, it will overwrite the file you gave it. If no, it won't touch it.

You're done!


Keys 1 - 0: change size of brush

Arrow Keys: Move view around

Mouse Wheel: Modify height of selected area

Ctrl + Mouse Wheel: Zooms in and out.

Shift + Mouse Wheel: Changes size of brush (this is how to get it larger than 10x10)

Alt + Mouse Wheel: Precise height modification

M: Make selection max height (4095, 409.5 meters in BZ).

N: Make selection min height (0).