
An example Alexa skill that was created during a livestream on youtube.com/freecodecamp

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Code for FreeCodeCamp Livestream

This repository contains source code and related assets for the Alexa development livestreams on the FreeCodeCamp YouTube channel from 7/9/2018 - 7/13/2018.

During the livestream, as our example, we're building an Alexa Skill for Free Code Camp. The skill will let users get general information about FreeCodeCamp, listen to current posts published on medium, and get answers to frequently asked questions.

Agenda and topics covered

Day 1: General overview

  • The Amazon accounts you'll need
  • Understanding the basics of how skills work
  • Intro to the Alexa developer portal
  • Intro to AWS Lambda
  • Building a super simple skill

Day 2: Plan and start our project

  • Recap day 1
  • Intro to ASK CLI
  • Intro to the ASK SDK 2.0
  • Coding Intent handlers
  • Get data from an external API

Day 3: Submit version 1 for certification

  • Recap day 2
  • Intro to debugging
  • The skill manifest
  • Beta testing

Day 4: Add more functionality

  • Recap day 3
  • Using slots
  • Custom slots
  • Entity resolution

Day 5: Submit revised version for certification (hopefully)

  • Recap day 4
  • Multi-turn dialogs
  • Data persistence / DynamoDB
  • The skill certification process
