
Ultra-low power Arduino displaying motivational quotes on an e-ink screen

Primary LanguageC++


Ultra-low power Arduino displaying motivational quotes on an e-ink screen

This Arduino project displays a different motivational quote every day using a small 2.1" two-color e-ink screen by Waveshare. The quotes are stored in EEPROM and shuffled upon startup.

To run for extended periods on AA batteries (up to 6 months), several power saving measures are taken: For one, Hardware modifications were made (such as removal of power LEDs and the use of a 3.3v Arduino without USB chip). Most importantly, the Arduino is in deep sleep (SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN) and only wakes up every 24 hours to update the e-ink screen. For waking up, a DS3231 RTC module is attached to a hardware interrupt pin. This setups achieves a power draw of less than 0.75mA when in deep sleep.