
Primary LanguageC#

KoboWeb API

Go to Koboweb.com

The official documentation for the koboweb API.

KoboWeb is a project that is developed to help farmers get easy access to information regarding agriculture and factors that affect farming, it also creates an eco-system where farmers can receive financial support and assistance through loans and knowledge acquisition in form of training and community gathering.

The Kobo web project is structured in a modularized manner, where we have functional blocks of solutions that are built to work both autonomously and interactively using the following concepts.

MIG – Mutual Interest Group

KIG- Knowledge interest group

FIG- Financial interest Group


The documentation for all endpoints implemented by the koboweb API can be found here.


koboweb API is built using:

  • ASP.NET CORE (net6.0)
  • Azure Cloud Services
  • OpenApi


This API is deployed at



  • Visual Studio 2022

    • ASP.NET 6.0
    • Azure
    • Database
    • Node

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To continue/contribute to the development of the koboweb API, clone this repository and execute the following commands in your terminal or command prompt, inside the cloned project [kobowebmvp-backend-dotnet] folder:

  • dotnet tool install -g dotnet-ef
  • dotnet tool update -g dotnet-ef
  • dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreateDB
  • dotnet ef database update

Code Editor/IDE

This project is managed using Visual Studio 2022
