open source

  • Do you have some long-term maintenance repos on github or any repos you interested in ? You can share core principles, killer features, or accumulated experience on how to maintain and promote repos.
  • Do you like to share your frontend skills or solutions on stackoverflow. Could you share your persnoal experience on how to answer the questions efficently on stackoverflow?
  • Do you like to publish technical articles on Medium, freeCodeCamp, CSS Tricks or any other popular frontend forums? How to wirte a popular frontend skill article?


  • What are you favorite html5 feautures? Could you share some contextual examples illustrating how to use these features in your practical projects?

  • What is your understanding of Semantic HTML. What benefits can it provide?


  • Colud you share your experience about when to use css grid layout and when to use flexbox layout in practical projects ?
  • Assume that we need to introduce responsive design into an existing web application, How do you plan to do that?
  • offsetWidth, clientWidth and scrollWidth - what's the difference?
  • Please list all the ways to draw a circle on the page.
  • Please list all the solutions to move a div(inline-block) from the left side of the browser window to the right side?



  • Could you list all the ways to remove one item from an array?
  • How to deal with nested callbacks and avoid “callback hell”?
  • How to use apply(), call() and bind()?


  • Could you list all the solutions about how to clone objects?
  • How do you think of jQuery? Do you believe jquery is now out of date?


  • Which are your favorite syntax of ES6 & ES7? Could you give some examples demonstrating the power of these new syntax?
  • Var, let and const- what's the difference?


  • What is your understanding of web Components? Do you think it's a main trend to develop resuable components with webcomponets?
  • Imgine that we want to create a table components. Please list all you considerations.
  • How to implement a simplified rich text editor which is used to help users add comments?

UI Libaray

  • Generally, mainstream UI libararies includes mutltiple versiions. For exmaple, bootstrap 3 is built on jQuery. Bootstrap 4 is built on ES6. There are also other derived versions, bootstrap-webcomponents, bootstrap-angular, bootstrap-react, bootstrap-vue. If you are assigned to create a comprehensive and powerful UI library, what are your main steps or processes?

  • What is the best UI library you ever used? Can you share some best practices or classic use cases?


  • Could you describe the differences between package.json and package-lock.json?
  • What's your understanding of the differences between dependencies, devDependencies and peerDependencies in a package.json file?


  • Angular, React, Vue are the most popular MVVM frameworks. Which is your favorite? Why?
  • How do you think of Vue? Do you think it is suitable to construct large-scale and complex web applications?


  • Let's say, in order to enhance the robustness and maintainability of an existing system, we want to add a complete testing mechanism from the scratch, how do you plan to do that?


  • Could you share best practices on how to use grunt, gulp or webpack?


  • Let's say we got a very long form, there are more than 100 interactive elements within this form, text box, raido, checkbox, combobox, autocomplete, cascading menus, table with inline-edit. If we need to refactor this form, could you offer some suggestions on how to improve this form from the aspects of maintainability, user experience, performance, security.