
Dynamic Lighting with SpriteIlluminator

Normal Maps

A normal mapped sprite consists of 2 files:

![Normal Mapped Sprite: Sprite's Texture](Assets/Demo Pictures/character-with-si-logo.png) ![Normal Mapped Sprite: Sprite's Normal Map](Assets/Demo Pictures/character-with-si-logo_n.png)

The texture itself is used for the sprite's color.

The pixels in the normal map represent a direction - the direction in which the normal vector of a given pixel is pointing. It's encoded into the color channe - this is where the strange color scheme comes from.

The normal maps were generated using SpriteIlluminator - our Normal Map Generator.

Importing Texture and Normal Map

  • Click at the image in the Hierarchy and set the texture type to "Texture". Make sure to tick "Alpha is transperancy" if you use a transperant texture.
  • Click at the normal map in the Hierarchy and set texture type to "Normal Map". Untick "Create from grayscale".

Create Material

  • Create a new Material and set the Shader Type to "Transparent - Bumped Diffuse".
  • Add the texture as base and the normal map as normal map.

Create Quad

  • Create a Quad found under "3D Object" and apply the material onto the mesh renderer

Add Lights

  • With dark ambient light the texture looks like this:

![Normal Mapped Sprite: Only Ambient Light](Assets/Demo Pictures/without lights.png)

  • Select "Edit - Render Settings" and choose a color as ambient light which is used as base color for the texture.

![Normal Mapped Sprite: Only Ambient Light](Assets/Demo Pictures/with blue ambient light.png)

  • Add point light to simulate the light of a single source (eg. lamp or fire)

![Normal Mapped Sprite: With Point Light](Assets/Demo Pictures/with green point light.png)

  • Add directional light to simulate for example the light of the sun which is coming from the same direction in the same intensity independend of your relative position and distance.

![Normal Mapped Sprite: With Point Light and directional light](Assets/Demo Pictures/with green point light and red directional light.png)