
Semantic search of GHO docs for users and developers looking to learn more about GHO

Primary LanguageTypeScript

GHO Semantic search with Langchain, Pinecone, and GPT with Next.js

Running the app

In this section I will walk you through how to deploy and run this app.


To run this app, you need the following:

  1. An OpenAI API key
  2. Pinecone API Key

Up and running

To run the app locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repo
git clone git@github.com:dabit3/semantic-search-nextjs-pinecone-langchain-chatgpt.git
  1. Change into the directory and install the dependencies using either NPM or Yarn

  2. Copy .example.env.local to a new file called .env.local and update with your API keys and environment.

    Be sure your environment is an actual environment given to you by Pinecone, like us-west4-gcp-free

  3. (Optional) - Add your own custom text or markdown files into the /documents folder.

  4. Run the app:

npm run dev

Need to know

When creating the embeddings and the index, it can take up to 2-4 minutes for the index to fully initialize. There is a settimeout function of 180 seconds in the utils that waits for the index to be created.

If the initialization takes longer, then it will fail the first time you try to create the embeddings. If this happens, visit the Pinecone console to watch and wait for the status of your index being created to finish, then run the function again.


To add more data, add text files to the /documents folder. These can be text, markdown, or PDF files.