
This is a reference architecture showing how to upload files and images to Arweave permanent storage with Bundlr Network and Next.js

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Permanent File Storage with Bundlr Network and Next.js Route Handlers

This is a reference architecture showing how to upload files and images to Arweave permanent storage with Bundlr Network and Next.js


This project assumes you have an EVM compatible wallet with "Matic" tokens.

If you do not have Matic, you can choose any of the supported tokens here instead, and swap out the references to matic in the route handlers with the token of your choice.

Project setup

For this project to run, you need to have an environment variable set as BNDLR_KEY to be accessed as process.env.BNDLR_KEY. You can do this many ways, one being having a .env.local file (see .example.env.local). BE SURE TO NEVER SEND ANY PRIVATE KEYS TO ANY CODE REPOSITORIES, IT'S BEST TO SET THEM LOCALLY IN YOUR SESSION.

Running the app

  1. Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:dabit3/nextjs-route-handlers-permanent-file-storage.git
  1. Install depdenencies
npm install

# or yarn, pnpm, etc...
  1. Run the app
npm start

Be sure you have your environment variable set as referenced above.