
Generate license keys for given company details

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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This project has been imported from license-key-gen in npm.org.


Generate a License Key and validate the license. This is typically used for software licensing (serial number).


npm install license-key-gen

Data Structure

To create a license key - Enter the users information that your are able to recieve

This object can be any data you wish to tie the license to - format Object

var userInfo = {company:"webisto.tech",street:"123 licenseKey ave", city:"city/town", state:"State/Province", zip:"postal/zip"}

Must include:

  1. ProductCode (string) - product abbr name, can be any size
  2. AppVersion (string) - optional if you want to tie the license to a version number
  3. osType (string) - lock the license to a specific operating system supported: Windows: WIN, WIN7, WIN8,WIN10 Macintosh: OSX, OSX1, OSX2, OSX3, OSX4, OSX5, OSX6, OSX7, OSX8, OSX9, OSX10, OSX11, OSX12 Apple Mobile: IOS, IOS5, IOS6, IOS7, IOS8, IOS9,IOS10 Google Mobile: ANDROID, ANDROID2, ANDROID3, ANDROID4, ANDROID43, ANDROID44, ANDROID5, ANDROID6, ANDROID7 OTHER
var userLicense = {info:userInfo, prodCode:"LEN100120", appVersion:"1.5", osType:'IOS8'} 


var licenseKey = require('license-key-gen');

Create a License Key

Then run the following code to recieve the License for the client This function to be run ONLY for you to generate the license code for the client

var licenseKey = require('license-key-gen');

var userInfo = {company:"webisto.tech",street:"123 licenseKey ave", city:"city/town", state:"State/Province", zip:"postal/zip"}
var licenseData = {info:userInfo, prodCode:"LEN100120", appVersion:"1.5", osType:'IOS8'}

    var license = licenseKey.createLicense(licenseData)

if success returns

{ errorCode: 0,  message: 'ok',  license: 'W0247-4RXD3-6TW0F-0FD63-64EFD-38180' }

if error, returns

{ errorCode: 1002, message: 'product code missing' }

Validate a License Key

On client side your application will pass the user information (Data Structure) and License Key:

var licenseKey = require('license-key-gen');

var userInfo = {company:"webisto.tech",street:"123 licenseKey ave", city:"city/town", state:"State/Province", zip:"postal/zip"}
var licenseData = {info:userInfo, prodCode:"LEN100120", appVersion:"1.5", osType:'IOS8'}

    var license = licenseKey.validateLicense(licenseData, "W0247-4RXD3-6TW0F-0FD63-64EFD-38180");

if success returns

{ errorCode: 0, message: 'ok' }

if error, returns

{ errorCode: 1006, message: 'license not valid' }


  • maintain (save, delete, update, read) licenses and user registration information


Tested in Chrome 53-54, Firefox 48-49, IE 11, Edge 14, Safari 9-10, Node.js 6-7, & PhantomJS 2.1.1.
Automated test runs are available.