
Scraping tweets quickly using celery, RabbitMQ and Docker cluster

Primary LanguagePython

Scraping tweets quickly using celery, RabbitMQ and Docker cluster with Rotating proxy

Please go through the below article for better understanding:


  • Docker-compose : docker-compose version 1.8.0, build unknown
  • Docker : Docker version 17.12.0-ce, build c97c6d6

How to run
  • Run command sudo docker-compose up

  • Above command will start 1 container for each worker and rabbit

  • Now go inside one worker container and run python -m celery_main.task_submitter

  • this will start pushing tasks in rabitmq and workers

Speedup the process
  • To run 5 workers and 1 rabbitmq:

    sudo docker-compose up --scale worker=5

  • Do not increase concurrency to too much in dockerfile as machine might not be able to handle it

    ENTRYPOINT celery -A test_celery worker --concurrency=10 --loglevel=info

using host postgres from docker container
  • for allowing connection from anywhere:

    in /etc/postgres/ postgres.conf file , update listen_addresses set it to '*' to listed from all IPs

  • For authorizing any user from docker IPs, in pg_hba.conf file add line:

    host all all trust is the range of docker container.

  • restart the postgres: sudo /etc/init.d/postgres restart

  • Host for DB config would be your local machine IP. Change in config file.