Setup for compiling statically linked binaries for usefull linux tools

There are a few tools that I need to use on machines where I can't install software.

This repo contains a setup to compile those tools so they can be used on most machines. Compilation will be done inside an apptainer container, that contains all necessary build dependencies.

How to compile

Compilation requires apptainer to be installed. This is not needed for executing the binaries!

  • clone this git repo and cd into it
  • for building a single application, type e.g. make nano
  • you can also build all with make all

List of tools

tool version
bat 0.24.0
btop 1.3.0
eza 0.18.9
fzf 0.47.0
gitui 0.25.1
htop 3.3.0
nano 7.2
ncdu* 2.3
nmon 16p
nnn 4.9
pigz 2.8
pv 1.8.5
ripgrep 14.1.0
tig 2.5.8
tree 2.1.1

* Binaries marked with an asterisk are not compiled but downloaded precompiled from the projects' git repo. This is because I have not yet implemented compiling their code, and the projects delived statically linked binaries anyway.