Script and associated templates to create a .mobileconfig profile with a group of fonts for deployment to macOS devices.
Important Note: Make sure there are no spaces in the pathname of that directory or the script will fail halfway through.
A few more notes if you want to use this:
- Edit the Profile Identifier on line 24 to match your organization name.
- Add the fonts to the same directory as the script and templates or vice versa.
- I recommend signing the profile that ends up on the Completed Profile directory after running the script, especially if you're uploading to an MDM. I use Hancock for this, it's dead simple if you find GUIs helpful.
- Jamf has a 16MB upload limit for configuration profiles. In my limited practice with the script that ended up being around 60 to 90 fonts. I wouldn't recommend going much over that, for both size and manageability reasons.
Font profile template and modified from this article from Lindenberg Software.
Known Issues that I may or may not fix:
- Script breaks if run from a directory path with spaces
- This may be an easy one but I don't have enough experience scripting to know a quick fix.
- Font files must be in the same directory as the script.
- Because this was a quick weekend project to get our Communications department up and running with some fonts I didn't bother with trying to allow for an "input" directory.
- It's ugly as sin and the resulting profile is ridiculous
- I'm not sure what to do about this. My experience with profiles is that it's hard to make them look nice and readable when smushing them around with scripts. Maybe I'll come across a good solution one day.