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Genie conjures ScalaCheck Arbitrary and Shrink instances for your domain objects based on their smart constructors.

Inspired by Haskell's Validity.


Source code
//> using options -experimental

import scala.util.TupledFunction

extension [F, Args <: Tuple, R](f: F)
    def tupled(using tf: TupledFunction[F, Args => R]): Args => R = tf.tupled(f)
//> using dep org.typelevel::cats-core:2.12.0
//> using dep org.scalacheck::scalacheck:1.18.0

import cats.data.Validated
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen, Shrink}

given Arbitrary[EmptyTuple] =

given [H, T <: Tuple](using head: Arbitrary[H], tail: Arbitrary[T]): Arbitrary[H *: T] =
    Arbitrary(Gen.zip(head.arbitrary, tail.arbitrary).map(_ *: _))

trait Valid[F[_], VALUE]:
    extension (x: F[VALUE])
        def isValid:  Boolean
        def toOption: Option[VALUE]

given [VALUE]: Valid[Option, VALUE] with
    extension (x: Option[VALUE])
        def isValid:  Boolean       = x.isDefined
        def toOption: Option[VALUE] = x

given [VALUE, ERROR]: Valid[Either[ERROR, _], VALUE] with
    extension (x: Either[ERROR, VALUE])
        def isValid:  Boolean       = x.isRight
        def toOption: Option[VALUE] = x.toOption

given [VALUE, ERROR]: Valid[Validated[ERROR, _], VALUE] with
    extension (x: Validated[ERROR, VALUE])
        def isValid:  Boolean       = x.isValid
        def toOption: Option[VALUE] = x.toOption

object Genie:
    def arbitrary[I <: Tuple : Arbitrary, F[_], O](apply: I => F[O])(using Valid[F, O]): Arbitrary[O] =
        val input:  Gen[I] = summon[Arbitrary[I]].arbitrary
        val output: Gen[O] = input.map(apply).retryUntil(_.isValid).map(_.toOption.get)
    def shrink[I <: Tuple : Shrink, F[_], O](apply: I => F[O], unapply: O => I)(using Valid[F, O]): Shrink[O] =
        val input:  Shrink[I] = summon[Shrink[I]]
        val output: Shrink[O] = Shrink(o => input.shrink(unapply(o)).map(apply).filter(_.isValid).map(_.toOption.get))



import cats.*
import cats.data.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Prop, Shrink}
def isPrime(n: Int): Boolean = 
    if      n < 2                    then false
    else if n == 2 || n == 3         then true
    else if n % 2 == 0 || n % 3 == 0 then false
        (5 to Math.sqrt(n.toDouble).toInt by 6).forall: x =>
            n % x != 0 && n % (x + 2) != 0

case class Prime private(value: Int)

object Prime:
    def apply(n: Int): Option[Prime] =
        Option.when(isPrime(n))(new Prime(n))

given Arbitrary[Prime] = Genie.arbitrary(Prime.apply.tupled)
given Shrink[Prime]    = Genie.shrink(Prime.apply.tupled, Tuple.fromProductTyped)

    .forAll: (n: Prime) =>
// + OK, passed 100 tests.
case class PositivePair private(a: Int, b: Int)

object PositivePair:
    def apply(a: Int, b: Int): Validated[String, PositivePair] =
            Either.cond(a > 0, a, "a must be positive").toValidated,
            Either.cond(b > 0, b, "b must be positive").toValidated,
        ).mapN(new PositivePair(_, _))

given Arbitrary[PositivePair] = Genie.arbitrary(PositivePair.apply.tupled)
given Shrink[PositivePair]    = Genie.shrink(PositivePair.apply.tupled, Tuple.fromProductTyped)

    .forAll: (p: PositivePair) =>
        p.a < 10 || p.b < 1000
// ! Falsified after 0 passed tests.
// > ARG_0: PositivePair(14,1943)
// > ARG_0_ORIGINAL: PositivePair(991850837,2038365786)
// TODO: Work around type erasure.
case class Flags private(values: List[Boolean])

object Flags:
    def apply(xs: List[Boolean]): Option[Flags] =
        xs match
            case Nil      => None
            case nonempty => Some(new Flags(nonempty))

given Arbitrary[Flags] = Genie.arbitrary(Flags.apply.tupled)
given Shrink[Flags]    = Genie.shrink(Flags.apply.tupled, Tuple.fromProductTyped)

    .forAll: (flags: Flags) =>
// ! Exception raised on property evaluation.
// > Exception: org.scalacheck.Gen$RetryUntilException: retryUntil failed afte
//   r 10001 attempts
// org.scalacheck.Gen$RetryUntilException$.apply(Gen.scala:290)
// org.scalacheck.Gen.loop$2(Gen.scala:301)
// org.scalacheck.Gen.retryUntil$$anonfun$1(Gen.scala:306)
// org.scalacheck.Gen$Parameters.useInitialSeed(Gen.scala:494)
// org.scalacheck.Gen$$anon$7.doApply(Gen.scala:437)


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