
Reading blocks and transactions from the Ethereum blockchain with React/Redux. Checking Current Account. Checking Balance of current account Sending Transaction from/to selected account


Install the dependencies: npm install


See all available tasks in package.json at scripts:

  1. Run the watcher and the linter: npm run dev

  2. Run the development server: npm start

  3. If geth is installed, you can use this helper task to start your local RPC service: npm run geth

Material UI

See for other components example.


Metamask allows import of testrpc private keys

  • from shell/cmd prompt run: TestRPC
  • Within metamask import the first local private keys from the testrpc
  • npm run dev
  • npm start
  • navigate localhost:8080
  • enter an amount in default value
  • click Send Transaction

Lint save

windows: eslint -c %cd%.eslintrc %cd%**.js --fix mac/nix: eslint -c $pwd.eslintrc $pwd**.js --fix


This trick helped a lot

Turning old school Web3 callback style function, into Promise for usage with redux-saga:

const createCallback = (resolve, reject) => (error, result) => {
  if (!error) {

function callWeb3MethodAsPromise(method, args = []) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (!Web3.hasOwnProperty(method)) {
      reject(new Error(`Method '${method} does'nt exists in Web3 API.`));

    return Web3[method](...args, createCallback(resolve, reject));