
Network Fundamentals (Spring2019@UF) Project 1

Primary LanguageC++

CNT4007C - Project 1 02/18/2019 David Cabrera dacabdi89@ufl.edu

NOTE: This PDF file was automatically generated from the README.md file of the private GitHub repository that hosts the code.




To build the solution you can either,

  • $ make qclient,
  • $ make qserver,
  • or $ make all to build both applications.

The makefile provides comprehensive recipes to run tests, compile in debug mode with no optimizations, or produce manual entries. To run in debug mode set MODE=debug before calling on make. See makefile for more details.


The applications can be run as per the specifications of the project. After building the solution, you can run the server application by issuing the command

$ ./qserver

standing on the same subdirectory where the make command was issued.

Similarly, the client application can be started by issuing the command,


Please note that both qclient and qserver have been implemented using POSIX command line options with getopt and getopt_long. Use option -h on both executables for further usage details.

Run qclient with the option --nonpersistent or -n for non persistent mode (See Additional Features section).

The server application provides logging and verbosity options. Run with --verbose or -v for complete escaped reporting of serialized representations of both requests and responses.

Refer to the corresponding manual entries for details.


Due to the inability to run man -l manual-entry on the storm.cise.ufl.edu host, the command to properly visualize the manual entry will be,

$ nroff -Tascii -man [file] | less


Before any request or response, the client MUST perform an application level handshake by which it gives notice to the server on the type of session (persistent vs non persistent) it wishes to establish, as well as any other relevant information required to maintain the session.

The client should initiate the handshake on the FIRST request made to the server for each connection. It will send a type s request containing the parameters in the body.



All Requests must adhere to the following syntactic specification

type length\n
Field Syntax Semantics Optional
type Only one character from a-z Indicates the type of request No, all requests must have a type field
length A decimal nonnegative integer Describes the length of the request's body in bytes No, an empty request is expected to include a 0 length
body Any number of ASCII characters Request's body and payload Yes, but 0 length must be indicated

More precisely,

request = type , ' ' , length, '\n' , (body)? '\n'
type    = a-z
length  = [0-9]+
body    = ? any sequence of chars ?

If the server knows how to handle the incoming type of request and the request is processed succesfully, a type o OK response will be sent to the client carrying any requested data.

Otherwise, a type e ERROR response will be returned. If the error is due to an unrecognized type of request, the error type will be numbered UNKREQ.



Also know as greeting or session negotionation this is the FIRST request made over each session. It lets the server get ready for the upcoming requests.

s length\n

Upload a question to the server

p length\n

This type of request must include a length field and a body field containing,

  1. tags field with zero or more comma separated tags.
  2. question-title with a string of alphanumeric and white space characters terminated by the sequence \n.\n.
  3. Any number of choices of the form (choice-character) choice-text\n.\n followed by an additional \n.\n that ends the section.
  4. The correct answer correct-answer followed by an end of line.

Please observe that the server will enforce the following rules

  1. A question must contain at least 2 choices.
  2. Every choice must be of the format (choice-character) choice-text\n.\n.
  3. The choice-character value is a unique a-z character, the choices must be in alphabetic order, and the first choice must be a.
  4. The correct-answer provided must exist in the set of choices.

Expect an error response if any of this rules is violated. The error is likely to indicate what kind of violation took place by providing information in the extra field of the error response.


Request a deletion using type d and indicating the question's identifier in the body of the message.

d length\n

Expect an NOTFND error response if question doest not exist, or a INVQID if the the question id is not a numeric value.


Request a question using type g and indicating the question's identifier in the body of the message.

g length\n

Expect an NOTFND error response if question doest not exist, or a INVQID if the the question id is not a numeric value.


Request a random question.

r 0\n

Expect an EMPTYQ error response if the server has an empty quiz book.


Check if a choice is the valid response to a question identified by its question id.

c length\n

Expect a NOTFND error if question does not exist or a CHNFND if the question does not contain the provided choice.


Kill server process.

k 0\n

Inform the server that the client wishes to leave.

q 0\n

This request is relevant only to persistent connections.


All responses will come in two types, OK (type o) responses indicating a successful request and ERROR (type e) responses along with information on the failure.


o length\n

The content fo the body of the response will depend on the particular request that caused the response.


Error responses along with error codes and extra information.

e length\n
no symbol message extra
0 UNKERR Unkown error Exception message, if any
1 NOTFND Question not found [question-id] provided
2 MALQUE Malformed question body Exception message, if any
3 CHNFND Choice does not exist in question [choice] and [question-id]
4 UNKREQ Server does not know how to handle request type Received request type
5 INVQID Invalid format for question id provided Provided id
6 EMPTYQ Empty quiz book None
7 REQTSZ Request type length must be one character Type provided


General description

The solution was implemented in C++. Wrappers interfaces, and data models were written around the networking routines and the data representation. This approach allowed to develop the application abstracting the data management and ensuring integrity across the code.

The implementation is divided in three major areas, networking, data models, and other types (exceptions, escaping functions, etc).


Objects Socket and Host provide wrappers with all types of operations around the file descriptors and hosts representations used by the operating system. Using this abstractions allowed to gain some leverage over the complexity of the structures used at the Operating System level.


QuizServer is an abstraction of the set of services provided by the server application. Upon construction it receives it receives a host host representation and a socket object to work with. Internally, when the method run is called, the object takes care of the typical initialization routing of the Socket object, namely, it calls methods that wrap around bind, listen, and accept.

Internally, the object uses a hash map pairing characters to callables. This approach allowed to drop new request/response procedures at-will if the specifications of the protocol so required. That is, the procedure that takes care of forming the response to a type p request, is a callable keyed on the char 'p' of the _handlers map. Similarly, each corresponding procedure takes in a Request object and produces a Response object that is then serialized and sent back to the client. The handlers are typically lamba expressions, this provides ad-hoc request handling emplacement.

If any error were to occur, it is properly identified and reported back to the client by building a type e Response containing, usually, content that mirrors the exception that was raised on the server side.

QuizServer also takes a QuizBook object with a data model representation of the questions read/written to/from the question bank file (refer to the section 5 of the manual for file format information). All the entity manipulations are mediated by the QuizBook interface.

QuizServer, as per the protocol specifications, expects the client to perform a brief handshake, where it specifies the type of connection it desires to establish. This handshaking can be used in the future to communicate other relevant parameters.


On the other hand, the QuizClient utilizes a similar pattern of matching characters to callables. Each handler will take in the line and data introduced over standard input and build a Request object to relay back to the server. Before returning the object, it sets a std::function typed method with a lambda expression that will handle the response once the servers replies.

QuizClient will create a Socket object if it functions on persistent mode. Otherwise, it will instantiate a new one over each request.

Please notice that QuizClient performs a brief application level handshake (or session negotiation) with the server to give notice of the connection mode and other relevant information.

Data Models

For every component of a question, the question itself, and the entire quiz book, objects defining its interfaceable contracts were implemented. Using this approach the serialization and deserialization of the models became a centralized issue, facilitating bug tracking and standardization.

Each object validates its input and enforces data requirements. All cases provide overloaded stream operators to allow easy output, verification, and serialization.

To avoid data loss on server crashes, the QuizBook works on the file using a writethrough approach.

Data models include Tag, TagCollection, Choice, ChoiceCollection, Question, QuestionSolved (containing a question along with a verified solution), etc.


Customized exception objects have been provided for ProtocolException and NetworkException. These exception objects provide granularity in the catching of errors, allowing to distinguish between the two types of problems. Both client and server are robust and can survive (graciously) the other party leaving the session. These endpoints will use protocol specifications to communicate each other exceptions and errors and handle them appropiately. Refer to the Protocol Specification session for more details.


Although the specifications did not require implementing both persistent and non persistent mode, the client takes a flag -n or -nonpersistent to allow non persistent mode.