
Telegram bot made with PHP to be simple and fun

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Joker Telegram Bot

Born in 2001'th this bot was entertaiment chatbot written in miRCscript, joking on #blackcrystal Quakenet channel.

Since that time many things has been changed. Here is third rewrite of Joker, made for Telegram to be modern and simple, with PHP to be fun.

Currently this bot is used in telegram channel @bc_dev

Installation and start

Install required software packages

# (Ubuntu, Debian)
sudo apt-get install php-cli php-gd php-json php-curl php-mbstring git composer ttf-ubuntu-font-family

Clone repository and install dependencies.

git clone https://github.com/miamibc/joker-telegram-bot.git
cd joker-telegram-bot
composer install
cp .env.sample .env

To run Telegram bot, you must be registered in BotFather and have working Telegram API token placed in .env configuration file or joker.php directly.

Now we are ready to start.

php joker.php

Find your bot in Telegram by name and say him Hi.


By default bot does nothing, plugins is used to extend functionality and interact with users. We made few classic plugins for Joker, like Hello and more complex one Temp, feel free to use them and add new.

To add plugin, create new class extending Joker\Plugin and connect it with $joker->plug( array ) command before main loop. Add methods like on[Action][Action]( Joker\Event $event ). These methods will be called when all actions is found in request. Actions can be:

  • message - requests containing message section
  • sticker - stickers or replies with sticker
  • text - contains text
  • photo - contains photo
  • caption - contains caption, usually on photo
  • public - public requests
  • private - non-public requests
  • group - group, supergroup and channel requests
  • empty - empty requests

For example, onPrivateSticker or onStickerPrivate will be called when both sticker and private is found in request.

Parameter of this method is used get message details and react. For example $event->answerMessage() or $event->answerSticker() is a shortcut to answer same channel or private user, by message or sticker.

Return value of plugin method can be:

  • Joker\Bot::PLUGIN_NEXT or true or null- (default) process next plugin in chain
  • Joker\Bot::PLUGIN_BREAK or false - do not process plugin chain anymore.

More information about existing plugins functionality can be found here.

I'll be glad to see your plugins and help with implementations.


  • Reboot counter
  • Restart plugins without lose their state
  • Reload plugins without actual restart
  • Add onTimer event type, to process events by time
  • Add CommandPlugin base class, to simplify adding new commands
  • Database implementations: Redis, Mysql, Simplesql and nosql
  • Audio processing with ffmpeg and sending with sendAudio/sendVoice
  • CowsayPlugin post image instead of text done
  • Improved admin of jokes
  • Currency rates (thanks ʎǝxǝl∀ for ide∀)
  • Corona plugin
  • More cool plugins

Please send your ideas into the issues

Project pages
