
Script to start the XENONnT environment and jupyter server jobs on dali/midway

Primary LanguagePython

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                    The UChicago Analysis Center 

Jupyter Notebook Starter Script

This package contains a standardized way to start up jupyter notebooks jobs on the Midway Cluster at UChicago. This is meant to be a working template; that is, you might want/need to modify the script slightly for your particular use, but it should work out of the box for most things.

We strongly recommend you understand what the script is doing so that if something breaks you can try to find a work around without relying on someone else fixing it, which can take time.


Login to midway/dali. For directions on getting accounts setup etc, see here.

ssh {username}@dali.rcc.uchicago.edu

Decide where you would like to put the env_starter repository. It should probably be somewhere in your home directory.

cd path/to/wherever/you/want/env_start

Finally, clone the repository.

git clone git@github.com:XENONnT/env_starter.git

Testing your installation

To test that the env_starter script is working, do the following (still on Midway):

cd env_starter

You should see a nice splash screen similar to above, and then a lot of output, eventually with something like this:

Jupyter started succesfully
	Dumping URL {some url} to cache file /home/ershockley/.
	Parsing URL {some url}

All done! If you have linux, execute this command on your laptop:

{some ssh command && sensible-brower command}

If you have a mac, instead do:

{some ssh command && some open command}

Happy strax analysis, ershockley!

These comands are what you should run on your personal laptop, not on Midway itself. Before running those, however, it is useful to understand what is happening here. What this script did was submit a job to the Midway cluster that started up a jupyter notebook. Let's first confirm that we can see a job running. Below, everywhere you see ershockley you should see your own username.

[ershockley@dali-login1 env_starter]$ squeue -u $USER
          12196471   xenon1t straxlab ershockl  R       0:17      1 midway2-0416

Above you can see a single job running, called straxlab. This job is running a jupyter lab/notebook session. In order to connect to that jupyter session on your own personal laptop/web browser, you need to run the ssh command listed above.

ssh -fN -L {something} && {sensible-broswer/open something}

What this does is setup an ssh tunnel between the machine you run those commands on (again, not Midway!) and the worker node on Midway that is actually running the jupyter notebook. Everything after the && is opening a web browser and pointing it to the url where you can see the jupyter notebook.

Standard Usage

This script submits jobs to the midway cluster and so must be executed on midway itself. However, it is convenient to execute it over ssh from your personal machine:

ssh {username}@dali.rcc.uchicago.edu 

You should then see the output as above and then be able to access the notebook.


There are several arguments you can pass to start_jupyter.py to customize your job.


Convenient shortcuts

Symbolic link. For convenience, it might be useful to make a symbolic link of the start_jupyer.py command to your home directory. For me this looked like this:

[ershockley@dali-login1 ~]$ ln -s start_jupyter.py /home/ershockley/nt/computing/env_starter/start_jupyter.py

but yours would look different depending on where you cloned the env_starter repository. After doing this, you can then shorten the job starter script significantly:

ssh {user}@dali.rcc.uchicago.edu start_jupyter.py

and you can pass the same flags as above.

Further Customization

This script is used to create an .sbatch script that then gets submitted to the cluster. If the arguments/customization listed above do not include any changes you need, you can of course modify the sbatch script directly. By default, this script gets written to


which should serve as a good template to make further changes. If you do this, we recommend copying your customized sbatch script to a new filename, as otherwise it will be overwritten next time you run start_jupyter. py.