
CS 1.2: How Data Structures Work

Primary LanguagePython


This is the source code resulting from Make School's CS 1.2 Class' Tweet Generator tutorial.

Some code requires the system to be UNIX-based (such as MacOS) as it reads from /usr/share/dict/words.

Tutorial Results

These are in reverse order to show most recent developments.

12. Creating a Corpus

It can be any article, book, blog, etc.

  1. Convert your corpus to at text file.

  2. Clean it - remove anything that's not part of the narrative.

  3. Place it in texts as corpus.txt.

10. Performance Analysis

Not Done.

9. Hash Table


A HashTable class implemented using a LinkedList.

8. Linked List


A LinkedList class implemented using Node objects.

7. Generating Sentences


Run python3 markov.py -h for explanation.

6. Application Architecture

Improved app.py implementation.


A Histogram implemented using a list.

Run python3 dictogram.py by itself or with a list of space-separated words.


A Histogram class implemented using a dict

Run python3 dictogram.py by itself or with a list of space-separated words.

5. Flask Web App


This is the web app for the markov chain.


  1. Install Flask and python-dotenv (preferably to a virtualenv)

  2. Create a .env file with

FLASK_RUN_PORT=[your port]

Read more on what you can do in Flask's documentation.

  1. Run flask run

  2. Navigate to localhost:[your port] in your browser.

This will generate psuedo-sentence based on the corpus, refresh for different sentences.

4. Stochastic Sampling


This was my initial histogram sampling. It emulates random.choices as we weren't allowed to use that built-in method.

python3 sample.py [words] where [words] is a list of space-separated words.

3. Analyze Word Frequency in Text


A Histogram implemented using with a dict, list of lists, or list of tuples.

2. Random Dictionary Words

Improved anagram.py.


Generates a list of words that could complete the provided word.

Run python3 autocomplete.py [word].

  • [word] = a single word.


Reads from /usr/share/dict/words and generates a list of random words from it.

1. Let's Get Started


Generates a list anagrams of a provided word.

Run python3 anagram.py [word]

  • [word] = a single word.


Reverses words or the order of words in sentences.


Shuffles the provided list.

  • = requires UNIX-based system such as Ubuntu or MacOS.