
Udacity nanodegree project #3

Primary LanguageJavaScript


UdaciCards is the third project for Udacity’s React Fundamentals course.

Project Overview

UdaciCard is a mobile application (Android) that allows users to study collections of flashcards. The app will allow users to create different categories of flashcards called "decks", add flashcards to those decks, then take quizzes on those decks.

Why this project?

This project encompasses the fundamental aspects of building a native application including handling infinite lists, routing, and user input. By building this project, you will gain an understanding of how to use React Native to build an iOS and Android application.


The app tested in Realme C25s Android device and Android emulator (android 11).


html   html   html   html   html   html   html   html  

Technologies used in project

To run the app you need to:

open the project directory with cmd, then you can run the following commands:

1- clone the project using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/dacitto/UdaciCards.git.

2- open the project directory then use the following commend .

npm install or yarn install to install project dependencies.

3- Install expo-cli using npm

npm install -g react-native-cli
npm install --global expo-cli

4- install expo on devices: you can download ExpoGo for both Android and IOS

5- run code using npm start or yarn start

6- you can use the emulator or use a real device by scaning QR code using ExpoGo

or simply you can link your device by USB (you have to enable usb debugging)
