
Some Google codejam solutions in nodejs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

David's CodeJam solutions


  1. npm install
  2. npm start -- --problem=<problem name> --input=<input file>


This command runs the 'rope-intranet' problem (see problems/rope-intranet.js) with the input file given in the same directory, and output file named answer.txt. If you omit the output file, it will print the answer to stdout.

npm start -- --problem='rope-intranet' --input='./problems/rope-intranet-small.in' --output='answer.txt'

Adding your solutions

input-parser.js contains a simple parser for codejam input files. For instance, for lists of things, it consumes one line that is the ocunt of things, then executes a sub-parser for each of those things (each sub parser outputs some datastructure, and may consume any number of lines).

For instance, in rope-intranet.js, we have the following spec:

export const spec = runEach(ropeTest, parseList(
    parseObject(line => {
        let  [left, right] = line.split(' ');
        left = parseInt(left);
        right = parseInt(right);
        return {left, right};

the runEach says to run the following function for each test-case (where the first line is the number of test cases, and then each test case follows). The value passed into the function ropeTest is a list of ropes. That's done with parseList, which has similar functionality to runEach but returns a list of things given a sub-parser, and the parseObject takes each line for a rope and parses it out into the left and right building heights per the problem. Example input would look like this:

2   // number of test cases
2   // number of ropes (test case 1)
3 3 // height of 3 for left building, 3 for right building (rope 1)
4 1 // height of 4 for left building, 1 for right building (rope 2)
1   // number of ropes (test case 2)
7 4 // height of 7 for left building, 4 for right building (rope 1)