
Enumerate AD through LDAP with a collection of helpfull scripts being bundled

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ADE - ActiveDirectoryEnum

 python -m ade
usage: ade [-h] [--dc DC] [-o OUT_FILE] [-u USER] [-s] [-smb] [-kp] [-bh] [-spn] [-sysvol] [--all] [--no-creds] [--dry-run]
           [--exploit EXPLOIT]

        ___        __  _            ____  _                __                   ______                    
       /   | _____/ /_(_)   _____  / __ \(_)_______  _____/ /_____  _______  __/ ____/___  __  ______ ___ 
      / /| |/ ___/ __/ / | / / _ \/ / / / / ___/ _ \/ ___/ __/ __ \/ ___/ / / / __/ / __ \/ / / / __ `__ \
     / ___ / /__/ /_/ /| |/ /  __/ /_/ / / /  /  __/ /__/ /_/ /_/ / /  / /_/ / /___/ / / / /_/ / / / / / /
    /_/  |_\___/\__/_/ |___/\___/_____/_/_/   \___/\___/\__/\____/_/   \__, /_____/_/ /_/\__,_/_/ /_/ /_/ 


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dc DC               Hostname of the Domain Controller
  -o OUT_FILE, --out-file OUT_FILE
                        Path to output file. If no path, CWD is assumed (default: None)
  -u USER, --user USER  Username of the domain user to query with. The username has to be domain name as `user@domain.org`
  -s, --secure          Try to estalish connection through LDAPS
  -smb, --smb           Force enumeration of SMB shares on all computer objects fetched
  -kp, --kerberos_preauth
                        Attempt to gather users that does not require Kerberos preauthentication
  -bh, --bloodhound     Output data in the format expected by BloodHound
  -spn                  Attempt to get all SPNs and perform Kerberoasting
  -sysvol               Search sysvol for GPOs with cpassword and decrypt it
  --all                 Run all checks
  --no-creds            Start without credentials
  --dry-run             Don't execute a test but run as if. Used for testing params etc.
  --exploit EXPLOIT     Show path to PoC exploit code

The new inclusion of embedded exploits can yield results such as:

[ WARN ] DC may be vulnerable to: [ cve-2020-1472 ]

To query an exploit for PoC code:

$ python -m ade --exploit cve-2020-1472
Exploit for: cve-2020-1472 can be found at: https://github.com/dirkjanm/CVE-2020-1472


Run installation through pip3:

pip3 install ActiveDirectoryEnum
python -m ade

If you run BlackArch, ActiveDirectoryEnum is available through pacman as such:

pacman -S activedirectoryenum

Included attacks/vectors

  • ASREPRoasting
  • Kerberoasting
  • Dump AD as BloodHound JSON files
  • Searching GPOs in SYSVOL for cpassword and decrypting
  • Run without creds and attempt to gather for further enumeration during the run
  • Sample exploits included:
  • CVE-2020-1472


While this project is developed to fit my needs, any collaboration is appreciated. Please feel free to fork the project, make changes according to the License agreements and make a Pull Request. I only ask that:

  • Keep equivalent naming standard as the base project
  • Keep equivalent syntaxing
  • Test your code
  • Error handling is incorporated
  • Document the feature - both in code but also for potential Wiki page

Thanks & Acknowledgements

Big thanks to the creators of: Impacket @github BloodHound @github BloodHound.py @github CVE-2020-1472 by Tom Tervoort of Secura

Without the above this wrapper was not possible.


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