
This repository contains docker image for Hazelcast open-source in-memory data-grid.

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hazelcast Docker

This repository contains Dockerfiles for the official Hazelcast Docker images.

Quick Start


You can launch Hazelcast Docker Container by running the following command. You can find the full list of Hazelcast versions to replace $HAZELCAST_VERSION at Official Hazelcast Docker Hub.

$ docker run hazelcast/hazelcast:$HAZELCAST_VERSION

This command will pull Hazelcast Docker image and run a new Hazelcast Instance.

Hazelcast Hello World

For the simplest end-to-end scenario, you can create a Hazelcast cluster with two Docker containers and access it from the client application.

$ docker run -e JAVA_OPTS="-Dhazelcast.local.publicAddress=<host_ip>:5701" -p 5701:5701 hazelcast/hazelcast
$ docker run -e JAVA_OPTS="-Dhazelcast.local.publicAddress=<host_ip>:5702" -p 5702:5701 hazelcast/hazelcast 

Note that:

  • each container must publish the 5701 port under a different host machine port (5701 and 5702 in the example)
  • <host_ip> needs to be the host machine address that will be used for the Hazelcast communication

After setting up the cluster, you can start the client application to check it works correctly.

Hazelcast Enterprise

You can launch Hazelcast Enterprise Docker Container by running the following command. You can find the full list of Hazelcast Enterprise versions to replace $HAZELCAST_VERSION at Official Hazelcast Docker Hub.

Please request trial license here or contact sales@hazelcast.com.

$ docker run -e HZ_LICENSE_KEY=<your_license_key> hazelcast/hazelcast-enterprise:$HAZELCAST_VERSION

Hazelcast Enterprise Hello World

To run two Hazelcast nodes with Management Center, use the following commands.

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 hazelcast/management-center
$ docker run -p 5701:5701 -e HZ_LICENSE_KEY=<your_license_key> -e MANCENTER_URL="http://<host_ip>:8080/hazelcast-mancenter" -e JAVA_OPTS="-Dhazelcast.local.publicAddress=<host_ip>:5701" hazelcast/hazelcast-enterprise
$ docker run -p 5702:5701 -e HZ_LICENSE_KEY=<your_license_key> -e MANCENTER_URL="http://<host_ip>:8080/hazelcast-mancenter" -e JAVA_OPTS="-Dhazelcast.local.publicAddress=<host_ip>:5702" hazelcast/hazelcast-enterprise

Note that the MANCENTER_URL environment variable defines the address of the Management Center application. In this case, it is available at http://<host_ip>:8080/hazelcast-mancenter.

Now, if you open a browser at http://localhost:8080/hazelcast-mancenter, you should see your cluster with 2 nodes. You can start the client and observe in Management Center that the map data has been added.

Read more about the Management Center image here.

Hazelcast Defined Environment Variables


You can give environment variables to the Hazelcast member within your Docker command. Currently, we support the variables MIN_HEAP_SIZE and MAX_HEAP_SIZE inside our start script. An example command is as follows:

$ docker run -e MIN_HEAP_SIZE="1g" hazelcast/hazelcast


As shown below, you can use JAVA_OPTS environment variable if you need to pass multiple VM arguments to your Hazelcast member.

$ docker run -e JAVA_OPTS="-Xms512M -Xmx1024M" hazelcast/hazelcast


The address to the Management Center application can be defined using the MANCENTER_URL variable.

$ docker run -e MANCENTER_URL=<mancenter_url> hazelcast/hazelcast-enterprise


The port of the JMX Prometheus agent. For example, if you set PROMETHEUS_PORT=8080, then you can access metrics at: http://<hostname>:8080/metrics. You can also use PROMETHEUS_CONFIG to set a path to the custom configuration.

HZ_LICENSE_KEY (Hazelcast Enterprise Only)

The license key for Hazelcast Enterprise can be defined using the HZ_LICENSE_KEY variable

$ docker run -e HZ_LICENSE_KEY=<your_license_key> hazelcast/hazelcast-enterprise

Customizing Hazelcast

Using Custom Hazelcast Configuration File

If you need to configure Hazelcast with your own hazelcast.xml, you need to mount the folder that has hazelcast.xml. You also need to pass the hazelcast.xml file path to hazelcast.config in JAVA_OPTS parameter. Please see the following example:

$ docker run -e JAVA_OPTS="-Dhazelcast.config=/opt/hazelcast/config_ext/hazelcast.xml" -v PATH_TO_LOCAL_CONFIG_FOLDER:/opt/hazelcast/config_ext hazelcast/hazelcast

Extending CLASSPATH with new jars or files

Hazelcast has several extension points i.e MapStore API where you can provide your own implementation to add specific functionality into Hazelcast Cluster. If you have custom jars or files to put into classpath of docker container, you can simply use CLASSPATH environment variable and pass it via docker run command. Please see the following example:

$ docker run -e CLASSPATH="/opt/hazelcast/CLASSPATH_EXT/" -v PATH_TO_LOCAL_CONFIG_FOLDER:/opt/hazelcast/CLASSPATH_EXT hazelcast/hazelcast

Extending Hazelcast Base Image

You can use Hazelcast Docker Image to start a new Hazelcast member with default configuration. If you'd like to customize your Hazelcast member, you can extend the Hazelcast base image, provide your own configuration file and customize your initialization process. In order to do that, you need to create a new Dockerfile and build it with docker build command.

In the Dockerfile example below, we are creating a new image based on the Hazelcast image and adding our own configuration file from our host to the container, which is going to be used with Hazelcast when the container runs.

FROM hazelcast/hazelcast:$HAZELCAST_VERSION

# Adding custom hazelcast.xml
ADD hazelcast.xml ${HZ_HOME}
ENV JAVA_OPTS -Dhazelcast.config=${HZ_HOME}/hazelcast.xml

After creating the Dockerfile you need to build it by running the command below:

$ docker build .

Now you can run your own container with its ID or tag (if you provided -t option while building the image) using the docker run command.

Graceful Shutdown

You can stop the member using the docker command: docker stop <containerid>.

By default, Hazelcast is configured to TERMINATE on receiving the SIGTERM signal from Docker, which means that a container stops quickly, but the cluster's data safety relies on the backup stored by other Hazelcast members.

The other option is to use the GRACEFUL shutdown, which triggers the partition migration before shutting down the Hazelcast member. Note that it may take some time depending on your data size. To use that approach, configure the following properties:

  • Add hazelcast.shutdownhook.policy=GRACEFUL to your JAVA_OPTS environment variable
  • Add hazelcast.graceful.shutdown.max.wait=<seconds> to your JAVA_OPTS environment variable
    • Default value is 600 seconds
  • Stop the container using docker stop --time <seconds>
    • It defines how much time Docker waits before sending SIGKILL
    • Default value is 10 seconds
    • Value should be greater or equal hazelcast.graceful.shutdown.max.wait
    • Alternatively, you can configure the Docker timeout upfront by docker run --stop-timeout <seconds>

Debugging, Managing, and Monitoring

You can debug and monitor Hazelcast instance running inside Docker container.


To debug your Hazelcast with the standard Java Tools support, use the following command to start Hazelcast container:

$ docker run -p 5005:5005 -e JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS='-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005' hazelcast/hazelcast

Now you can connect with your remote debugger using the address: localhost:5005.

Managing and Monitoring

You can use JMX or Prometheus for the application monitoring.


You can use the standard JMX protocol to monitor your Hazelcast instance. Start Hazelcast container with the following parameters.

$ docker run -p 9999:9999 -e JAVA_OPTS='-Dhazelcast.jmx=true -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.port=9999 -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false' hazelcast/hazelcast

Now you can connect using the address: localhost:9999.


You can use JMX Prometheus agent and expose JVM and JMX Hazelcast metrics.

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 -e PROMETHEUS_PORT=8080

Then, the metrics are available at: http://localhost:8080/metrics. Note that you can add also -e JAVA_OPTS='-Dhazelcast.jmx=true' to expose JMX via Prometheus (otherwise just JVM metrics are visible).

Docker Images Usages

Hazelcast Docker Repositories

You can find all Hazelcast Docker Images on Docker Store Hazelcast Page. https://store.docker.com/profiles/hazelcast

You can find Docker files by going to corresponding hazelcast-docker repo tag. See the full list here: https://github.com/hazelcast/hazelcast-docker/releases

Management Center

Please see Management Center Repository for Dockerfile definitions and have a look at available images on Docker Hub page.

Hazelcast Kubernetes

Hazelcast is prepared to work in the Kubernetes environment. For details, please check:

Hazelcast Openshift

Hazelcast is prepared to work in the OpenShift environment. For details, please check: