
Demo for GitHub Universe 2022

Primary LanguagePython

Serverless Spark CI/CD on AWS with GitHub Actions

This is the code used for my GitHub Universe presentation on using GitHub Actions with EMR Serverless.

There is also a workshop you can use with step-by-step instructions: Build analytics applications using Apache Spark with Amazon EMR Serverless

Other resources


  • An AWS Account with Admin privileges
  • GitHub OIDC Provider in AWS
  • S3 Bucket(s)
  • EMR Serverless Spark application(s)
  • IAM Roles for GitHub and EMR Serverless

You can create all of these, including some sample data, using the included CloudFormation template.

Warning 💰 The CloudFormation template creates EMR Serverless applications that you will be charged for when integration tests AND the scheduled workflow runs.

Note The IAM roles created in the template are very tightly scoped to the relevant S3 Buckets and EMR Serverless applications created by the stack.


To follow along, just fork this repository into your own account, clone it locally and do the following:

  1. Create the CloudFormation Stack
aws cloudformation create-stack \
    --stack-name gh-severless-spark-demo \
    --template-body file://./template.cfn.yaml \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM \
    --parameters ParameterKey=GitHubRepo,ParameterValue=USERNAME/REPO ParameterKey=CreateOIDCProvider,ParameterValue=true
  • GitHubRepo is the user/repo format of your GitHub repository that you want your OIDC role to be able to access.
  • CreateOIDCProvider allows you to disable creating the OIDC endpoint for GitHub in your AWS account if it already exists.
  1. Create an "Actions" Secret in your repo

Go to your repository settings, find Secrets on the left-hand side, then Actions. Click "New repository secret" and add a secret named AWS_ACCOUNT_ID with your 12 digit AWS Account ID.

Note This is not sensitive info, just makes it easier to re-use the Actions.

  1. Update the Application IDs
  • In integration-test.yaml, replace TEST_APPLICATION_ID with the TestApplicationId output from the CloudFormation stack
  • In run-job.yaml, replace PROD_APPLICATION_ID with the ProductionApplicationId output from the CloudFormation stack

The rest of the environment variables in your workflows should stay the same unless you deployed in a region other than us-east-1.

With that done, you should be able to experiment with pushing new commits to the repo, opening pull requests, and running the "Fetch Data" workflow.

You can view the status of your job runs in the EMR Serverless console.


The demo goes into 4 specific use cases, each defined as part of a different GitHub Action. These are intended to be easily reusable

Creating a simple pytest unit test

The unit-tests.yaml file defines a very simple GitHub Action that runs on any push event. It runs the tests in the pyspark/tests/test_basic.py.

Running integration tests on EMR Serverless

integration-test.yaml runs on any Pull Request and both 1/ copies the local pyspark code to S3 and 2/ runs an EMR Serverless job and waits until it's complete.

Deploying EMR Serverless PySpark job to S3

When a semantic-versioned tag is added to the repository, deploy.yaml zips up files in the jobs folder, and copies the zip and main.py files to S3 in a location with the tag as part of the prefix.

Running ETL jobs manualy or on a schedule

run-job.yaml runs the main.py script on a schedule with the version defined in the JOB_VERSION variable. The workflow_dispatch section also lets you run the job manually, which by default uses the "latest" semantic tag on the repository.