
This is an npm package that calculates the distance between two geographic coordinates.

##Installation npm install --save distance-between-geocoordinates

##Usage The function takes as input two Point object which consists of a latitude and a longitude and a units string(Default Unit is km).

The first point may be defined as below

point1 = {
  lat: 41.8781,
  lng: 87.6298,

*The second point may be defined as below *

    point2 = {
      lat: 40.0583,
      lng: 74.4057,

To calculate the distance between the two points

const distanceBetweenPoints = require("distance-between-geocoordinates");

result = distanceBetweenPoints(point1, point2);

console.log(`The distance between the points is ${result.distance} ${result.unit}`);

##Result The result of the function is an object which contains the distance and the units of the distance.

	distance: 81.04778415589608, 
	unit: 'km' 

##Units of the distance The distance between two points may be obtained in various units of distance.

###km The default parameter is km and if not unit is passed, the function returns the data in km.

result = distanceBetweenPoints(point1, point2); or result = distanceBetweenPoints(point1, point2, "km");

###mile result = distanceBetweenPoints(point1, point2, "mile");

###yards result = distanceBetweenPoints(point1, point2, "yard");

###foot result = distanceBetweenPoints(point1, point2, "foot");

###Nautical Mile result = distanceBetweenPoints(point1, point2, "n-mile");

###Invalid Units Invalid units will return the result in km. result = distanceBetweenPoints(point1, point2, "abc");

##Errors Response An error response is returned if

  1. The input coordinates is not a number. { status: 'Error', error: 'Invalid Input. Coordinates Should be a Number.', latitude1: 'abc <- Error', longitude1: '75.3704 ', latitude2: '12.4996 ', longitude2: '75.3704 ' } An error is indicated next to the invalid input.

  2. The coordinates are in invalid range. Latitude should be between -90 to +90 Longitude should be in the range -180 to +180 { status: 'Error', error: 'Latitude or Longitude not in valid Range', latitude1: '150 <- Error', longitude1: '75.3704 ', latitude2: '12.4996 ', longitude2: '75.3704 ' }