
The xlr-xldeploy-plugin is a XL Release plugin that allows to start a control task on XL Deploy.

Primary LanguagePython


This document describes the functionality provided by the xlr-xldeploy-plugin.

See the XL Release Reference Manual for background information on XL Release and release concepts.


The xlr-xldeploy-plugin is a XL Release plugin that allows to start a control task on XL Deploy.


Place the latest released version under the plugins dir. If needed append the following to the script.policy under conf:

permission java.io.FilePermission "plugins/*", "read";
permission java.io.FilePermission "conf/logback.xml", "read";


  • ControlTask (compatible with XL Deploy 4.5.2 and up)

    • ciId
    • controlTaskName
    • parameters
    • continueIfStepFails (Will try to continue if a step in a control task fails)
    • numberOfContinueRetrials (Number of times to retry a step)
    • pollingInterval
    • numberOfPollingTrials
  • DeployTask (compatible with XL Deploy 4.5.1 and up)

    • deploymentPackage (ID of the deployment package to deploy e.g.: Applications/XL Release/XLR/1.0)
    • environment (ID of the environment to deploy to e.g.: Environments/Xl Release/XL Release)
    • orchestrators (Comma separated list of orchestrators to be used: parallel-by-deployment-group, parallel-by-container)
    • deployedApplicationProperties (Dictionary containing all the deployed application properties to be set (except orchestrators). e.g.: {"maxContainersInParallel": "2"})
    • deployedProperties (Dictionary containing all the properties to be set. Remark: Each key is an xlrTag in the deployeds - See also https://github.com/xebialabs-community/xld-xlrelease-plugin, e.g.: {"Gate1": "{'taskId':'1234567890'}"})
    • continueIfStepFails (Will try to continue if a step in the deployment task fails)
    • numberOfContinueRetrials (Number of times to retry a step)
    • rollbackOnError (Whether rollback should be done if the deployment fails)
    • pollingInterval (Number of seconds to wait before polling the task status)
    • numberOfPollingTrials (Number of times to poll for task status)
  • Migrate Package

    • server - Server to pull a package from
    • username - Override source username
    • password - Override source password
    • destinationServer - Server to pull package to
    • 'destinationUsername` - Override destination username
    • destinationPassword - Override destination password
    • deploymentPackage - ID of the package to migrate
  • Get Latest Version

    • server - Server to query
    • username - Override username
    • password - Override password
    • applicationId - ID of the application to query for latest package version
    • stripApplications - Whether to strip "Applications/" from the beginning of the returned package ID
    • packageId - Return value with the latest package ID