
The GeoEvents project is a dynamic and customizable open source web presence that provides a common operational picture to consolidate activities, manage content, and provides a single point of discovery. GeoEvents was used by deployers and first responders in over 100 real-world events.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Geographic Event tracking and data management system

Geo-Events is a geographic-oriented knowledge management platform that gives users a common operational picture for tracking events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, etc. The tasking elements of [GeoQ] (https://github.com/ngageoint/geoq) work well with the organizational functionality of Geo-Events.

The Geo-Events software was developed at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) as a joint effort between NGA and The MITRE Corporation. The government has "unlimited rights" and is releasing this software into the public domain to increase the impact of government investments by providing developers with the opportunity to take things in new directions. You can copy, modify, combine with other software, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. NGA assumes no responsibility for the use of the software by any parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about the software quality, reliability, or any other characteristic. We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used. However, the following suggested derivative or modified statement is optional: "Elements of this work contain Geo-Events: The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency and The MITRE Corporation jointly produced this work."

Pull requests

If you'd like to contribute to this project, please make a pull request. We'll review the pull request and discuss the changes. By submitting a pull request you are dedicating your work to the public domain. You are free to fork or download this project and add unique elements with other stipulations in another repository, platform, or private development space, but this living version shall remain free of restrictions within the public domain.

Software source code previously released under an open source license and then modified by NGA staff is considered a "joint work" (see 17 USC § 101); it is partially copyrighted, partially public domain, and as a whole is protected by the copyrights of the non-government authors and must be released according to the terms of the original open source license.

###In the News### NGA Director Letitia Long talks about NGA's GitHub initiative and our first offerings, GeoQ and Geo-Events, at the GEOINT Symposium. Her comments start at 40 minutes and 40 seconds in the [video clip] (http://geointv.com/archive/geoint-2013-keynote-letitia-a-long/).

###This project realies heavily on open source packages and uses:###

Django under [BSD] (https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/LICENSE)

OpenLayers under [FreeBSD] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openlayers/openlayers/master/license.txt)

Postgres under [PostgreSQL license] (http://www.postgresql.org/about/licence/)

PostGIS under [GPL version 2] (http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php)

Geo-Events Configuration

The geoevents/settings.py file contains installation-specific settings. The Database name/pw and server URLs will need to be configured here.


Geo-Events Main page Sample Event Page Event Page with geo-tagged photos Tables auto-generated from data feed content Timeline generated from products/rfis/notes/events


Cloud Installation::

  1. You can optionally deploy geoevents with all dependencies to a Virtual Machine or a cloud VM (such as an Amazon Web Services EC2 box) by using the chef installer at https://github.com/ngageoint/geoevents-chef-installer

  2. Chef scripts are our preferred method of automating cloud builds

Mac OSX Development Build Instructions (about 1 hour total)::

For older macs, Install XCode, update to latest, From Preferences->Downloads, install command line tools (or will get clang errors)

(open terminal window)
sudo easy_install pip
Download Postgres.app (google it. After installing, run it - should see an Elephant icon on the toolbar)
sudo pip install virtualenv
virtualenv geoevents_dev
add to: ~/.bash_login:
    export PATH=/Applications/Postgres93.app/Contents/MacOS/bin:/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current/bin:$PATH
    export PGHOST=localhost
    export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/X11/lib"
    export CFLAGS="-I/usr/X11/include -I/usr/X11/include/freetype2 -I/usr/X11/include/libpng12"

    source geoevents_dev/bin/activate
(close terminal, open new one)

pip install psycopg2  (Note that some distros e.g. Debian might need it installed via: sudo apt-get build-dep python-psycopg2)
pip install numpy
install homebrew (from terminal):
    ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go/install)"

brew install postgis
brew install gdal (probably already installed)
brew install libgeoip

pip install Paver

paver install_dependencies
paver create_db
paver create_db_user
paver sync
python manage.py createsuperuser

paver start


JSON of geographic layers