Tripal Docker Image

This image contains Tripal 2.1 & Chado 1.3. The image is based on docker-drupal. It will automatically setup the database and install a default site.

The image doesn't contain a database so you have to create a seperate database container (which is no effort if you use the provided configuration for docker-compose) and link this container or pass the database information.



version: '2'
    image: dacrystal/tripal
      - db:postgres
      - /var/www/html/sites
      - /var/www/private
      - UPLOAD_LIMIT=20M
      - MEMORY_LIMIT=128M
      - "3000:80"

    image: postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password
      - /var/lib/postgresql/data

You can use Docker-Compose in a directory that contains the provided docker-compose.yml:

docker-compose up

This will launch a new tripal site with a default modules. If you want custom modules, see Customization.

As customizations and uploads are stored you must take care of these directories if you want to keep these:

  • /var/www/html/sites (modules, themes, uploaded files)
  • /var/www/private (non-public files, e.g. to store backups)

As these folders are defined as volumes in the sample docker-compose.yml, you can easily update your container to use the latest image while preserving any modifications with:

docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d

Tripal options:

  • TRIPAL_DOWNLOAD_MODULES: additional drupal modules; e.g "tripal_analysis_blast-7.x-2.x-dev"
  • TRIPAL_GIT_CLONE_MODULES: additional drupal modules from a git repo; e.g ""
  • TRIPAL_ENABLE_MODULES : default to "tripal_genetic tripal_natural_diversity tripal_phenotype tripal_project tripal_pub tripal_stock"

Database options(samos123/docker-drupal)

You can use a linked database-container with the alias postgres as shown above - Drupal will be automatically configured to it. Or you use an external database-host. Therefore pass the following environment variables to your container:


Other options(samos123/docker-drupal)

  • VIRTUAL_HOST - sets the ServerName-directive for httpd and Drupal's base_url configuration variable; handy in conjunction with jwilder/nginx-proxy
    • if it is a comma-seperated list, the first value is used
  • SERVERNAME - use this to explicitly set httpd's ServerName-directive
    • if none of these both variables are given, the /etc/hostname will be used
  • BASE_URL - explicitly set the base_url configuration variable for Drupal
    • trailing slashes are not allowed
  • BASE_URL_PROTO (default: https://) - if BASE_URL is derived from VIRTUAL_HOST, this will be prefixed as protocol
  • UPLOAD_LIMIT (default: 10M) - sets variables for the PHP-interpreter to control maximum upload sizes
  • MEMORY_LIMIT (default: 64M) - sets the memory_limit for the PHP-interpreter
  • ADMIN_USER (default: admin) - sets the administrator account name when creating a new instance
  • ADMIN_PASSWORD - (default: changeme) sets the administrator password when creating a new instance.


See the samos123/docker-drupal Customization



  • Include postgres server in the image.
  • Only postgres should be allowed (required for installation of the Chado Schema)
  • Add docker-compose version 2 compatibility (e.g env naming on linking)
  • Add ssh server (root:changeme)
  • Use tripal install_chado method to install chado schema
  • Steal the good parts from erasche/docker-tripal