Original design: Fintech Dark Theme
The main goal of this view, and this front, was managing the "view inside of a view" for achieving this I took some design choices, mainly cuz I did want to bloat the project with images, even the icons and some images arent the same, you get the idea and flow of the view.
For the icons I went straight forward for the easiest, SF Symbols, nothing fancy.
Same here, I used the native SF font, for everything trying to match the sizes and weights.
Since it seems isn't a custom animation, I rather prefer to go for a nice "spring" animation instead of trying to guess the animation curve (a EaseInOut seems to be the proper one but didnt work so fine)
Making the custom loading wasn't part of the challenge (my challente my rules) I could have done it but have extended the time of the project, maybe in a near future will added, isn't anything from another universe its just adding a custom animation(png sequence, 👎, or using a lottie animation, 👍)
I really didn't want to do this mostly cuz the "interactive" or "touch points" are already way to complex, more than a "coding" issues I'll have to manage some UX issues that are only solved by changing the design.