very old but somehow still competent.
the code is 9+ months old, and i do not have intentions of updating/fixing/continuing it.
author: fluffycq
This was a project that used to be private, but I have decided to make public as I do not care for anarchy anymore.
A lot of the code logic is horrible and can be optimized to be way faster/safer, the base is so simple that it wouldn't be hard.
Despite a lot of the rumors, this utiliy mod was in fact custom base.
This is the original GitHub project so older versions are available through commits and may work better for certain servers.
(All Versions are 1.12.2)
Future 2.10 - Old Future PacketFly
3arthqu4ke - (Phobos) i prolly stole some stuff from you idk
I do not thank anyone else besides those involved in this project and I do not plan to involve myself with anarchy in anyway shape or form in the future.