
  • 專為大專院校打造的...蝦皮 / PCHome / 奇摩拍賣 / 淘寶
  • 同校、跨校間的交易分開
  • 不處理金流,一切交易買賣雙方負責
  • 伺服器留下對話記錄,協助提供紀錄處理糾紛,交易有保障
  • 還有很多 feature...正在想 XD

You can download our apk in here

Library & Tool

  • Django for backend
  • Sqlite3 for database
  • OkHttp for api request and response
  • Picasso for load image

Contributions of each team member

  • 詹欣達(N26060258)20%:後端與商品列表
  • 謝姍倪(N26070279)20%:刊登商品頁面
  • 張維倫(N26061597)20%:商品列表
  • 王康霖(N26077124)20%:商品詳細頁面
  • 沈柏妤(N26070130)20%:聊天頁面

Developer guideline

Git Flow

Git Flow 教學

New branch

git pull origin master
git branch {your_name}
git checkout {your_name}

Merge and push project

git fetch --all
git merge origin/master
# Fix conflict (if have any), if you don't know how to fix it, contact dada
git add {your_files}
git commit
git push origin {your_name}
  1. Go to github page. Github Page
  2. Select "Compare & pull request". Github Page
  3. Select Assignee to dada8397.
  4. Press "Create pull request".
  5. Contact dada and wait for merge.

Test project

  1. You can either git merge origin/master on your branch to test
  2. Or you can checkout to master and git pull origin master to test