This repo contains a series of MCU control codes based on the CC2530 chip and finally developed an intelligent monitor system that combined the control of CC2530, Zigbee and User Interface with C++ QT Creater.
Some implementation functions: control LCD, LED lights, control sensors, wireless node networking, wireless node time synchronization
TempHumiLightQT : A complete project to check and adjust the temperature, humity and light in a room.
TempHumiLightQT :完整的检查并调整室内温度,光照,湿度的程序
硬件(hardware): 包含CC2530芯片,带LCD,LED的智能主板 (CC2530chips with LCD and LED) 温湿度及光电传感器SHT10 (sensor SHT10) CC-Debuger : 烧录.hex文件给智能主板 (CC-Debuger to write the code to the board) PC一台 (A PC) DB线 (公母口) : 连接智能主板和PC主机箱 (A DB Line) USB数据线若干 (Some USBs)
软件(software): IAR Embedded Workbench8051 6.4 QT Creater Community 4.11.1 / 4.13.2
function-code realized some functions. Including:
- LEDControl: Light 6 LED in turn
- Interrupt: Test for interrupt
- Sensor: Control sensors
- SimpleRF: Simple RF communication
- RF: RF communication
- Spectrum: Analyze the Spectrum of each channel
- Net: A tree-topology wireless network
- Syn: Synchronization of wireless nodes
source-code : the TempHumiLightQT project