
VM that installs graphite, statsd, and grafana

Primary LanguageShell


  1. vagrant up the VM.
  2. vagrant ssh into the VM.
  3. Go to the directory with the provisioning script, cd /var/www
  4. Provision the VM, sudo sh provision.sh
  5. Follow prompts to install software and create a django admin user
  6. Create an entry in your host computer's hosts file grafana.dev
  7. Start sending stats. Ex.echo "accounts.authentication.login.attempted:1|c" | nc -w0 -u 8125
  8. Go to grafana.dev and start creating dashboards and graphs. Watch the Grafana demo video to get a bit more familiar with Grafana.


  • A globally available startapp executable will be created for you. This starts apache, elasticsearch, carbon, and statsd. You will need to execute this command if you halt and bring the vm back up.

  • Grafana will be available at grafana.dev

  • Graphite will be available at

  • Elasticsearch will be available at

  • StatsD will be available at