
A jsonnet package manager.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The jsonnet-bundler-ng is a fork of jsonnet-bundler, a package manager for jsonnet.


go install -a github.com/dadav/jsonnet-bundler-ng/cmd/jb-ng@latest

Package Install


  • Fetches transitive dependencies
  • Can vendor subtrees, as opposed to whole repositories

Current Limitations

  • Always downloads entire dependent repositories, even when updating
  • If two dependencies depend on the same package (diamond problem), they must require the same version

Example Usage

Initialize your project:

mkdir myproject
cd myproject
jb-ng init

The existence of the jsonnetfile.json file means your directory is now a jsonnet-bundler package that can define dependencies.

To depend on another package (another Github repository): Note that your dependency need not be initialized with a jsonnetfile.json. If it is not, it is assumed it has no transitive dependencies.

jb-ng install https://github.com/anguslees/kustomize-libsonnet

Now write myconfig.jsonnet, which can import a file from that package. Remember to use -J vendor when running Jsonnet to include the vendor tree.

local kustomize = import 'kustomize-libsonnet/kustomize.libsonnet';

local my_resource = {
  metadata: {
    name: 'my-resource',


To depend on a package that is in a subtree of a Github repo (this package also happens to bring in a transitive dependency):

jb-ng install https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/jsonnet/prometheus-operator

Note that if you are copy pasting from the Github website's address bar, remove the tree/master from the path.

If pushed to Github, your project can now be referenced from other packages in the same way, with its dependencies fetched automatically.

All command line flags

usage: jb-ng [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

A jsonnet package manager

  -h, --help     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
      --version  Show application version.
                 The directory used to cache packages in.
  -q, --quiet    Suppress any output from git command.

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

    Initialize a new empty jsonnetfile

  registry add [<name>] [<description>] [<url>] [<file>]
    Add a new registry

  registry rm [<name>]
    Remove a registry

  registry update
    Update registry data

  registry list
    List registries

  registry search [<flags>] [<query>]
    Search package in registries

  install [<flags>] [<uris>...]
    Install new dependencies. Existing ones are silently skipped

  update [<uris>...]
    Update all or specific dependencies.

    Automatically rewrite legacy imports to absolute ones


This is an implemention of the design specified in this document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1czRScSvvOiAJaIjwf3CogOULgQxhY9MkiBKOQI1yR14/edit#heading=h.upn4d5pcxy4c