
OS course project @ University of Bologna 2019/2020

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


BiKayaOS is an operating system with educational purposes, developed during the course of "Sistemi Operativi" at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, whose main target is portability among multiple architectures, in particular uARM and uMPS2.


Luca Borghi, Stefano Cremona, Davide Di Carlo, Andrea Segantini.

Table of Contents

Project Structure

├── build/            # output of compilation per architecture.
│   ├── uarm/
│   └── umps/
├── cmake/
│   ├── bin.cmake     # build sources inside kernels/
│   ├── lib.cmake     # libbikaya build instructions
│   ├── uarm.cmake    # uARM specific build instructions
│   └── umps.cmake    # uMPS2 specific build instructions
├── CMakeLists.txt    # cmake entry point
├── emulators/
│   └── config/       # config files for each architecture
│       ├── uarm/
│       └── umps/
├── include/          # BiKaya header files
│   ├── uarm/         # uARM specific header files
│   └── umps/         # uMPS2 specific header files
├── kernels/          # source files of kernel executables
├── run.sh            # helper script for building and running
├── sources/          # BiKaya source files
│   ├── uarm/         # uARM specific .o files
│   └── umps/         # uMPS2 specific .o files
└── tests/            # tests' source files

Modules Overview

  • core.h/.c

Provides low level facilities which consist in a first layer of abstraction from the underlying archicture. These facilities comprehend: CPU, devices, memory and time related stuff, and in general arch-dependant stuff.

  • pcb.h/.c & asl.h/.c

Process Control Block and Active Semaphore List provide low level facilities on which the scheduler relies upon to manage processes and their synchronization.

  • scheduler.h/.c

Actor that integrates the underlying levels, in particular schedules and synchronizes processes. Also offers various services to handlers. It's the only module that uses pcb and asl.

  • handlers.h/.c

Handlers provides system calls to the user and handles interrupts and various exceptions.

Design Choices and Encountered Problems

architectures abstraction

The main target of BiKaya is portability between architectures. We designed a layer (namely core module) that abstracts from the underlying architecture. By using this layer which is a architecture-independent interface, the obtained code can be easily ported on different architectures. In order to reach this goal, we delegated specific architecture-dependant code inside the implementation of this module.

readyQueue optimization

Initially, we iterated the queue from the first element to the last. Later we realized that we could do an optimization: iterating the queue from the last element to the first, we get 2 benefits for the readyQueue.

  1. Since we insert the new process at the end of processes with its same priority, the insertion takes place immediately without iterating all processes of equal priority.
  2. Since a process usually takes more than one timeslice to terminate, if in the readyQueue there are enough processes waiting, after some timeslices the insertion tends to be at the end of the readyQueue, since the priority of the waiting processes will be much more higher than that of the process to be inserted.

process stack pointer assignment

By specifications, in the scheduling of a process, its stack pointer should be assigned in relation to its original priority; however, this causes two or more processes with the same original priority to have the same stack frame. This can lead to problems. To avoid this situation, we assign the stack pointer basing on an identifier that we guarantee to be unique for each process. This mechanism is not exploited by the syscall CREATEPROCESS (where the caller must specify the process state and so its stack pointer).

aging of processes blocked on semaphore queues

In order to manage processes aging in the readyqueue, each time we launch a process we increase the priority of processes in the ready queue. However, this mechanism would be quite expensive to implement for the processes stuck in the semaphore queues, therefore we used a different mechanism: we defined a global age that increases every time a process is launched. When a process gets stuck on the queue of a semaphore, we sample the global age value. When the process needs to be unlocked (and then put back into the ready queue), we update its priority according to how much the global age has increased.

terminating a process

Since the termination of a process causes the termination of its progeny and since it is possible that a given process terminates an arbitrary process, then it is possible that a process, in terminating another process, also terminates itself (i.e. if it is part of the dynasty of the process killed). Therefore, since it is not known if the current process will be terminated before calling the syscall TERMINATEPROCESS, we provisionally insert the current process at the top of the readyQueue and, once the dynasty of the process to be removed is cut out and terminated with also the process itself, if the current process does not stand in the readyQueue anymore, then we launch the process at the top of the readyQueue, otherwise we resume the execution of the current process.

verhogen for a killed process while in a critical section

When a process is terminated, it may be in a critical section and therefore it does not perform a verhogen for that critical section. In this circumstance, a couple of solutions have been explored:

  1. adding a field in the process descriptor denoting the critical section where a given process is working; however a process can be in multiple critical sections, thus this solution would not be sufficient to manage the problem;
  2. using a table for each process that denotes in which critical sections the process is working; however, in case that the number of critical sections of a process exceeds the number of critical sections managed by the table, the problem would be solved only partially and moreover this solution would be quite inefficient.

Therefore, we have delegated the responsibility to the user not to terminate processes that are in a critical section.

time handling

Each process has information regarding its execution times; these times are:

  • user time: time that the process takes in carrying out its own routines;
  • kernel time: time the process takes to execute system routines;
  • wallclock time: total time since the process was launched for the first time.

These times get updated in three particular cases:

  • when the GETCPUTIME syscall is called by the user;
  • every time an interrupt is raised;
  • when a process time slice ends;

The wallclock time for a process is calculated only when the GETCPUTIME syscall is called, by substracting the TODLow sampled the first time the process is launched from the current value of the TODLow. Whenever the execution of a process is interrupted by the execution of a handler, at the beginning of the execution of the handler we sample the time remaining at the end of the process time slice and we reset the timer to the highest value it can assume. At the end of the execution of the handler we calculate the time that was taken to execute it and update the kernel time accordingly. We also reset the timer to the value we sampled upon entering the handler. To update the user time, we save the timer value at the exit of the last handler, then when we enter the next handler, we calculate the elapsed time.

Build and Setup

Requirements (based on Ubuntu 18.04)

Install Git

sudo apt install git

Install compilers and build tools for our architectures

sudo apt install build-essential cmake libtool m4 automake autotools-dev autoconf gcc-arm-none-eabi gcc-mipsel-linux-gnu

Install Qt

sudo apt install qt5-default qt4-qmake qt4-dev-tools

Install elf utilities

sudo apt install libelf1 libelf-dev

Install boost libraries

sudo apt install libboost-all-dev

Install libsigc++

sudo apt install libsigc++-2.0-dev

Install uARM emulator

cd emulators
git clone https://github.com/mellotanica/uARM.git
cd uARM
sudo ./install.sh
cd ..

Install uMPS2 emulator

git clone https://github.com/tjonjic/umps.git
cd umps
autoreconf -vfi
QT_SELECT=qt4 ./configure --enable-maintainer-mode --with-mips-tool-prefix=mipsel-linux-gnu-
sudo make install

Setup default terminals and printers

At the root of the project:

touch emulators/config/uarm/{term0,printer0}.uarm
touch emulators/config/umps/{term0,printer0}.umps


You can use the run.sh script to easily build and run, otherwise you can build manually following the instructions below.

uARM targets

At the root of the project:

cd build/uarm/debug
cmake -DTARGET_ARCH=uARM ../../..

uMPS targets

At the root of the project:

cd build/umps/debug
cmake -DTARGET_ARCH=uMPS ../../..