
Primary LanguageSmarty

Docker & Helm Chart deployment for KoopJS

See instructions below to install for Kubernetes or Docker ~ Koop is a JavaScript toolkit for connecting spatial APIs. Out of the box, it exposes a Node. js server that translates GeoJSON into the GeoServices specification supported by ArcGIS products.


Boilerplate REST API to get you started faster, with json config for Redis cache, Postgres/PostGIS support for speed, & local file store config if not using s3.

  • koopjs/cli
  • arcgis/core@4.25.0-next.20221012
  • pg: Postgres/PostGIS support
  • koop-queue
  • koop-s3fs: AWS s3 connect
  • koopjs/output-vector-tiles
  • koopjs/provider-agol
  • koopjs/provider-s3-select
  • koopjs/provider-file-geojson
  • koopjs/provider-github
  • GDAL: Read and write raster and vector geospatial datasets straight from Node.js with this native GDAL binding. GDAL 2.4.4 (GEOS 3.4.2, PROJ 4.8.0) comes bundled, so node-gdal will work straight out of the box. To get started, browse the API Documentation or examples.
  • Worker Farm: A worker bot to run jobs for Koop
  • Koop Exporter: A Koop cache must be registered to work.
  • FeatureServer An open source implementation of the GeoServices specification.
  • And more!

The json config is located in: /koop/config/default.json, and is pre-configured to support custom ports, redis cache, local filestore and Postgres/PostGIS for faster retrieval of geospatial information with Koop FileExporter for interop.

  "port": 8080,
  "cache": {
    "redis": {
      "host": "redis://localhost:6379"
  "filesystem": {
    "local": {
      "rootDir": "/var/koop/files"
  "db": {
    "postgis": "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/geo_database"

Boilerplate REST API test routes:

  1. http://localhost:8080/github/koopjs::geodata::north-america/FeatureServer/0/query

  2. http://localhost:8080/craigslist/seattle/apartments/FeatureServer/0/query

Once the container is built, you'll see the boilerplate REST API connecting to GitHub and CraigsList data:


Docker Instructions

The Dockerfile is a multi-stage docker build to reduce image size. To skip build times pull the image and run:

Pull: docker pull jhoeller/koopjs

Run: docker run --rm -it -d -v "${PWD}:/usr/src/" -p 8080:8080 -p 9000:9000 -p 80:80 jhoeller/koopjs:latest

Build & run locally

  • git clone https://github.com/salinaaaaaa/koopjs.git

  • docker build -t koopjs .

  • docker run --rm -it -d -v "${PWD}:/usr/src/" -p 8080:8080 -p 9000:9000 -p 80:80 koopjs

Kubernetes/Helm Deployment

  • cd helm

  • helm install koopjs .

Example override values.yaml

  • helm install koopjs . --set service.type=ClusterIP --set service.port=80

Get default value NodePorts from KoopJS

export NODE_PORT=$(kubectl get --namespace default -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services koopjs)
export NODE_IP=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace default -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses[0].address}")
echo http://$NODE_IP:$NODE_PORT