
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Github Issue Viewer

This is a viewer for Github repository issues built with Angular 1.4.9.

Requests sent to the Github API are anonymous and cap out at 60 requests per hour. If nothing appears and a 404 error is given in the console, you have capped out the API and the app will not work.

Installing dependencies

Some dependencies need to be installed before the app can run properly. In your command line, navigate to the issue_viewer directory and run

$ npm install

Running the app

The app can be run from a local server of your choice. For example, if you have python 3.x installed on your system, locate the issue_viewer/app folder on your terminal and run the command

$ python -m http.server

Using this option will have the app run on your IP address with a default port of 8000. For example:

An alternative is to locate the issue_viewer/app folder and use the npm start command below.

$ npm start

Using this local server option will have the app run at http://localhost:**8000**/app/#/

**The port number in bold will be given in the command line and may not be the same as above.


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

Tools Used


  • 'gitIssues' - main app module. Holds the other modules on this list
  • 'ngRoute' - routing module. Provides the $routeProvider used for configuring routes
  • 'controllers' - module that contains the controllers in use
    • 'defaultController' - controller for the default view
    • 'viewController' - controller for the issue details view
  • 'services' - js for services used in the controllers
    • 'getIssueInfo' - retrieve API info used for issue details page
    • 'formatSummary' - filter using the 'truncate' service to trim summaries to 140 characters
    • 'linkGithubAccount' - link @ names in issue summaries/comments to Github accounts
    • 'markdown' - filter summaries to Github Flavored Markdown


Testing can be done to check for:

  • File patterns
    • Watch - watches for any changes to files
    • Tracks whether files should be included. If true, files will be directly included in the browser using a script tag To run tests, navigate to the issue_viewer directory and enter the command
$ npm test

Test results will populate in the command line and can also be viewed by the HTML file reporter, which creates a visual representation of the test results that can be viewed at issue_viewer/test/unit.html.

The app was tested in various browser environments to ensure proper translation for users. Some users were asked to partake in a survey to further assess the issue viewer and some notes drawn from the survey are as follows:

  • "Smooth navigation between pages"
  • "Nice to have an option to go straight to the first or last page"
  • "Better optimization for mobile would be nice"
  • "Simple, but clean. A feature to search through Github repos for issues would be nice"

Future Ideas

  • Incorporate input for searching and receiving issues from a repository of your choice (implementation was started, but not finished)
  • Further testing with Karma/Jasmine
  • Optimization for mobile