
Along is the ideal programming language for me

MIT LicenseMIT



Along is the ideal programming language for me.

Language design

  • Designed to get along with program change and growth
  • Interpreted and compiled (assembly or llvm)
  • Produce fast programs with small memory footprint
  • Fast compiler and feedback loop
  • C interop?
  • Repl or the tool to play with language with minimal hassle
  • Debugging
  • No preference to OOP or Func or other styles, but the tool for enabling those styles
  • Powerful one liners
  • Composable out of small primitives
  • Async in mind; extensible to other effects in mind
  • The syntax and other features should enable the DSLs
  • Homoicony or lisp like simplified, but concise and explicit syntax without lispy brackets
  • Get ideas for simplicity from the stack based languages e.g. Forth
  • Low level and direct memory management with the gradual safety improvements
  • Type inference
  • Everything is expression - last result returned
  • Multiple and named returns without tuples
  • Extend everything and solved "expression problem"
  • No semicolons!
  • Pipeline operator and postfix variable binding in the midst of pipeline
  • Generics
  • Type aliases
  • Functional types in std lib
  • Macros and tools to extend the language by users
  • Compile-time programing in itself
  • No build system or the builds in itself
  • Simple packages
  • Pay-for-play - the simplest things should be simple
  • Power-to-the-people - no blocking the unsafe features, just make them "guarded" by whatever means
  • Prolog like solver as the natural language part
  • Literate programming and docs with live examples



 fib(4)@result | console("Fib 4th is ", result)

fib: n u32 -> result u32:
 result = if n < 1: n, fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
fib2: n u32 -> u32:
 if n < 1: n, fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)


*answer should be 42:
  answer ==? 42 // ==? is assert

*test small sequence:
  for(1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8)@expected, i: expected ==? fib(i)


  • Interpret the sample program in rust