
Quickly toggle your checkboxes with extra action buttons via AJAX.


Quickly toggle your checkboxes with extra action buttons via AJAX.

The module adds functionality to InputfieldCheckbox so you can toggle the checkbox fields in the extra action buttons intruduced in ProcessWire 2.6.5 via AJAX.


This module works only for ProcessWire versions later than 2.6.5.

How to Install

  1. Copy the files in this directory to /site/modules/ProcessQuickToggle/

  2. In your admin, go to Modules > Refresh for new modules.

  3. Click the "Install" button next to Process Quick Toggle.


Go to any checkbox field you want to enable quick toggle feature for Setup > Fields > my_checkbox_field. There in the Input tab you should see an Enable Quick Toggle field. After you check it you will see some fields that you can fill based on your needs.

ProcessQuickToggle Settings

Then save the field. Now there should be an extra button for every page that has this field in the Pages tree.

ProcessQuickToggle List

ProcessQuickToggle List Action


  • Supports template contexts.
  • Supports core FontAwesome icons.