
An open-source LMS which uses Github for authentication and content management

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GitHub LMS

An open-source LMS that authenticates with GitHub and uses it for content management



Install PostgreSQL

Create a development db

createdb codejo_development

Running Development Environment Locally

git clone https://github.com/dijonmusters/github-lms.git
cd github-lms
npm install
touch .env
npm run dev

In another terminal window:

cd client
npm install
touch .env
npm start


The values for these keys can be obtained from someone on the teaching team or generated from Github and Heroku.

Populate the client/.env file with: REACT_APP_COHORT=''

The value should be set to the Cohort code - MELB_2018 for example.


Ensure you have set the cohort code in client/.env - for the deployment example I will use MELB_2018.

Install Heroku CLI if you have not already done so

Create a new heroku app for the cohort

heroku create melb_2018

Create a hobby postgreSQL database as Heroku addon

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev

Navigate to Heroku dashboard and click Heroku Postgres under Installed add-ons

When postgres database has loaded in another tab, click Settings then Reveal Credentials. This contains all the database information to connect our Node app to our DB.

Create new Github OAuth credentials for deployment - Settings > Developer Settings > OAuth Apps > New OAuth App

Application Name: MELB_2018 Homepage URL: https://melb_2018.herokuapp.com Authorization callback URL: https://melb_2018.herokuapp.com/github/callback

Set Heroku environment variables

heroku config:set REACT_APP_COHORT="MELB_2018" SECRET='<secret-for-session>' GITHUB_TOKEN='<generate-from-personal-github>' GITHUB_BASE_URL='<url-for-content>' GITHUB_CLIENT_ID='<get-from-github-oauth-page>' GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET='<get-from-github-oauth-page>' DB_USER='<get-from-postgres-dashboard>' DB_PASSWORD='<get-from-postgres-dashboard>' DB_NAME='<get-from-postgres-dashboard>' DB_HOST='<get-from-postgres-dashboard>'

Add a heroku remote if git has not done this automatically for you

git remote add heroku <url-to-heroku-app.git>

Push new app to heroku

git push heroku master

Navigate to the melb_2018 app page and login with GitHub.

Connect to the Postgres instance with the CLI path listed under Heroku CLI in the Heroku Postgres dashboard

Run the following SQL statement to check the users that have created accounts. Take note of your login field.

SELECT * FROM "Users";

Press q to quit out of the results view.

Run the following SQL statement to upgrade your role to teacher or admin

UPDATE "Users" SET "role" = 'teacher' WHERE "login" = '<your-login>';

Logout of the melb_2018 app and login again. You should now see the modules and be able to enrol other students