#A Sign Of The Time Contract

##Contracts Functions

modifier unPaused()
- Checks the state of paused reverts if contract is paused.

modifier callerIsUSer()
- Only allows EOA to mint from contract
- stops contracts from spam minting

-Takes a param of amount of tokens
-Mints a Asott token to msg.sender

mapping addressMintedBalance
-Tracks how many tokens a address has minted.

-Allows owner to change the contracts baseURI

-Allows owner to change paused state of contract

-Allows owner to change the mint cost for each token

-Allows owner to change the amount of tokens a address can mint.

-Allows owner to change the Royalties address and value

-Allows owner of contract to withdraw funds to Gregs address 

-Endpoint to Images

-Override function to start indexing token count @ 1 instead of 0

##Deploy Instructions

1.  Install deps, run in terminal  ``npm i``
2.  Double check tests run in terminal 
    ``npx hardhat compile``
    ``npx hardhat test``
    ``npx hardhat coverage``

    -Then you can check test on a web browser by opening *coverage/index.html*
3.  Set all ENV vars in a .env file
4.  to deploy run in terminal 
        ``npx hardhat --network mainnet run scripts/deploy.js``

5.  To verify contract run in terminal after contract has been deployed
        ``npx hardhat verify --network mainnet DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS "ipfs://Qma6gAUZxAY6xPZGZY2gHN5Wj3u8KGLoVbbBt4Msrpjeuu/" ``