Galaxy NFT Balance Checker

This project provides an interface to query and display the balance of Galaxy NFTs for a given user address. It offers endpoints to initialize the Canvas Kit UI and handle submissions.

Table of Contents

Installation and Setup

Before running the project, ensure you have the required dependencies installed. The project mainly uses mux, cors, and graphql.

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Navigate to the project directory.
  3. Install dependencies:

```bash go get -u go get -u go get -u ```

  1. Run the project:

```bash go run main.go ```


The application will start on port 8080 by default. You can set a different port by defining the PORT environment variable.

API Endpoints

  1. /init
    Initializes the Canvas Kit with input fields for the user address, campaign ID, and space ID.

  2. /submit
    Handles the submission from the Canvas Kit. It processes the user's input and fetches the relevant data from the Galaxy GraphQL endpoint.

Data Structures

The project makes use of various structs to model the data:

  1. CampaignQueryResponse and SpaceQueryResponse:
    Structures to capture responses from GraphQL queries.

  2. Component:
    Represents a UI component in Canvas Kit. Components like text, input, button, etc., can be defined with various attributes.

Error Handling

Errors are captured and returned to the Canvas Kit interface. When an error occurs, a new Canvas is rendered with the error message and a button to refresh the interface.

Concurrent Processing

When querying space data, the application fetches details for each campaign in the space concurrently using goroutines. This ensures faster processing and response times.


Feel free to contribute to this project by creating issues or pull requests. Ensure you follow the existing code style and provide detailed commit messages.