
A local NodeJS instance that can be used to view LoL replays on Quest 2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Logo League of Legends: VR Replay Viewer

This is a way of trying to hook into the LoL replay API in a VR headset. Built this before I found out about https://github.com/nickolaj-jepsen/LoLVRSpectate which directly hooks into the memory of the game, which was the direction I was heading with this anyways. That being said, here's a brief summary of how to run this if you're curious.

How It Works

First you'll need to enable the Replay API, which will open a port up on :2999 for controlling the camera positioning. The instructions for this are described in the Riot Replay API documentation which boils down to "add EnableReplayApi=1 to your game.cfg file".

Then you'll need to download this repo locally. Ideally this repo would be a little more platform independent, but for now I'm on Windows 10, using Node v9.11.2 (installed using nvm install 9), and ffmpeg v8.2.1.

Start the server with npm run dev. Currently all of this is hardcoded to, you will need to change these values to your computer's IP address (for connecting to with the Oculus Browser). To confirm that this is running you can navigate to, which should show a white screen for now.

Now you'll need to open LoL, and navigate into a replay. Then switch your client to windowed mode, 1024x768. Move the window into the top left of your monitor, and make sure nothing's occluding it.

Then you need to enable the streaming of the game. This is currently done in the incredibly hacky way of screen recording with ffmpeg into a MPEG stream, which is then rendered onto a canvas in the VR environment, which is locked to the screen. I use the command ffmpeg -f gdigrab -framerate 60 -video_size 1024x768 -show_region 1 -i desktop -f mpegts -codec:v mpeg1video -s 1024x768 -q 1 -bf 0 https://localhost:3392/stream though you can tweak this depending on bandwidth concerns (controllable with changing the hardcoded quality (-q) flag anywhere from 1 = perfect to 31 = trash, or controlling bitrate with -b:v 600k).

Finally, open the Oculus browser and navigate to Accept all the security stuff and you should be good to go.


Huge thanks to the Riot team for the API, and for League Director the GitHub repo that I took inspriation from. Thanks to Immersive Web, who wrote most of the core rendering code that I'm using here (available here and here). Thanks to JSMpeg), which I'm using to render the WebSocket MPEG output onto a canvas. Thanks to these two SO answers for some useful code, and to this blob for the quaternion <> Euler angle conversion code.

May Be Useful

For regenerating the keys that I use to make this 'https'. https is needed, because WebXR only works on https and localhost.

openssl genrsa -out key.pem
-- US, California, LoLVR Client
openssl req -new -key key.pem -out csr.pem
openssl x509 -req -days 9999 -in csr.pem -signkey key.pem -out cert.pem
rm csr.pem

For debugging purposes, if the Quest 2 is connected via a cord, you can check the console by navigating to chrome://inspect/#devices.

requestAnimationFrame is broken for canvas events. I swapped the instances in jsmpeg.min.js to instead use setInterval. See immersive-web/webxr#225 for more details, but if the JSMpeg version is updated, this should be repatched.

Known Issues

  • Movement is buggy. Using the position has drift, which isn't accounted for. The different scaling also makes moving around very unintuitive
  • Laggy. Turns out screen recording, passing over a websocket, deserializing and writing to a canvas while also rendering a 3D VR environment is not super fast.
  • Not really 3D. This is rendering a static image to both eyes, which doesn't give it a sense of true depth.
  • Quality. FFMPEG is slightly limited in what it can do.
  • Resolution. For some reason it's rendering it as a square when the stream is clearly 1024x768. This should be fixed.