
CaptainHook extension adding customized hooks

Primary LanguagePHP


CaptainHook extension adding customized hooks Thanks for the amazing work made by CaptainHook ( https://github.com/CaptainHookPhp/captainhook ) by sebastianfeldmann!

How it works

This repo must be forked letting you specify your new amazing hooks into DadolunHook\App\Runner\Configurator\Setup\Dadolun class. This is only an example to how captainhook original extension can be extented and customized with new hooks without touching the original repo.


Add the dependency to your composer.json:

  "require-dev": {
    "dadolun95/dadolunhook": "dev-master",
  "repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url":  "git@github.com:dadolun95/dadolunhook.git"

Use Composer to install DadolunHook.

    $ composer require --dev dadolun95/dadolunhook


After installing DadolunHook you can use the dadolunhook executable to create a configuration.

    $ vendor/bin/dadolunhook dadolunconfigure 

Now there should be a captainhook.json configuration file.

Now you can run the following captainhook command.

    $ vendor/bin/captainhook install

Here's an example captainhook.json configuration file.

  "commit-msg": {
    "enabled": true,
    "actions": [
        "action": "\\CaptainHook\\App\\Hook\\Message\\Action\\Beams",
        "options": []
  "pre-commit": {
    "enabled": true,
    "actions": [
        "action": "phpunit"
        "action": "phpcs --standard=psr2 src"
  "pre-push": {
    "enabled": false,
    "actions": []