
Simple script to buy the token bypass mempool pending state.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Buy any token on Uniswap V2 with flashbots feature, meaning bypass mempool pending process.


1. Create your own environment

Check .env.sample file first. Then, create a .env file from this sample file and modify the values you desired. Read more

2. Install dependencies

Run yarn to install dependencies. Main dependencies are ethers.js and @flashbots/ethers-provider-bundle, which would be necessary part you should know. If you don't know these, please search them online and check their documents.

3. Execute the script.

Run yarn start to buy the token desired.

The Values you will modify.

  • FLASHBOTS_AUTH_KEY : The bot owner's private key.
  • PRIVATE_KEY : Private key of buy transaction's signer wallet.
    (These two variables would be same in most cases.)
  • RECIPIENT_ADDRESS : Token recipient after buy transation succseed.
  • TOKEN_ADDRESS : Token address that you want to buy.
  • AMOUNT_IN : WETH amount you wanna swap for the token.


Ensure you have enough WETH in your wallet to buy the token, and approved uniswapV2 router to spent your WETH already, before running this script. This is router: 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D.