QR Code Generator

This project serves as a QR code generator specifically designed for URLs.

Table of Contents

Installation and Scripts

To install the required dependencies, use the command pnpm install.

Available Scripts

Below are the available scripts for this project:

  • dev: Initializes the application's development environment.
  • build: Generates a production-ready version of the application.
  • preview: Previews the application within a development environment.
  • astro: A command associated with the Astro framework.
  • functions: Executes wrangler for pages in development mode.
  • publish: Builds the application and deploys the pages using wrangler.
# Install dependencies
pnpm install

# Available scripts
pnpm dev
pnpm build
pnpm preview
pnpm astro
pnpm publish

Technologies Used

  • Node.js v20: Platform for JavaScript execution.
  • pnpm: Package manager for Node.js.
  • Astro 4: Web framework.
  • Cloudflare: SSR adapter used with Cloudflare Pages functions.

Server Functions

The project utilizes Astro Server Endpoints (API Routes) for handling server-side operations. The endpoint for generating QR codes is located at src/pages/api/qr/generate.ts.


This file handles the generation of QR codes from a provided URL using the qrcode library. It responds with an SVG image of the QR code and supports CORS requests.