Gorrent's objective is to recreate a peer to peer file sharing application in go, mainly for educationnal purpose. It's taking inspiration over the implementation of bittorrent, but getting ride of annoying bencode format and some other features on the way. The main focus is around the fast transfer of files across machines in a private environment.
go run gorrent.go create -src /path/to/sources -dst /tmp/some.gorrent -announce
go run gorrent.go trackerd
go run gorrent.go peerd -config peerd_config_sample.json
go run gorrent.go peerd -config peerd_config_sample2.json
curl -XGET --unix-socket /tmp/gorrent/peerd.sock http://localhost/
curl -XPOST --unix-socket /tmp/gorrent/peerd.sock -F "gorrent=@/tmp/some.gorrent" -F "path=/path/to/storage/" http://localhost/add