
Minimal usb-from-scratch serial port implementation and demo for STM32F103.

Primary LanguageC


Minimal usb-from-scratch serial port implementation and demo for STM32F103.

This is a rather bare-bones environment for the STM32F103 "Blue Pill" platform.

It requires nothing but arm-none-eabi-gcc (tested with v9 and v10) and GNU Make to build and has no dependencies on outside code.


  • entirely plain C, no assembly
  • customized header declares all devices as true structures, with their absolute addresses provided in the linker script.
  • no #defines or conditional compilations. All constants are enums.
  • compact printf implementation based on stb_printf, which can be used with any device for which you provide a puts() function.
  • extremely small usb stack (1.7k) providing a serial port compatible with most operating systems

To re-use: just cut, copy and paste. Premature Generalisation is The Root Of Much Complexity.

while on MacOS the device shows up as /dev/cu.usbmodem123456, on linux, this line seems to make the cdc_acm driver return cdc_acm: probe of 3-6:1.0 failed with error -22, and prevent the appearance of /dev/ttyACMx.

a workaround for is to run

sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0483 product=0x5740


echo <vid> <pid> >/sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/generic/new_id

and you'll have /dev/ttyUSBx instead.

i'll try to find a vendor/product combination that works on macos & linux out of the box.