Xilinx Virtual Cable implemented as a USB device on an STM32F103
This code provides a minimal usb device with 1 Bulk in and 1 Bulk out endpoint over which XVC protocol 1.0 is implemented.
The device can be made to show up as /dev/ttyUXBx under linux with the following commands
sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x0483 product=0x5740
After which you can run an XVC server daemon with the command
stty -echo raw -F /dev/ttyUSBx
netcat -l 2542 < /dev/ttyUSBx > /dev/ttyUSBx
Pin | Name | Function | DIR | Electrical | Connected to |
10 | PA0 | TIM2 CH1 | out | AF_PP 50MHz | Xilinx JTAG TCK |
11 | PA1 | GPIO A1 | out | OUT_PP 50MHz | Xilinx JTAG TDI |
12 | PA2 | GPIO A2 | in | PullUp | Xilinx JTAG TDO |
13 | PA3 | GPIO A3 | out | OUT_PP 50MHz | Xilinx JTAG TMS |
30 | PA9 | USART1 TX | out | AF_PP 50MHz | console debug out |
32 | PA11 | USB D- | automatic | ||
33 | PA12 | USB D+ | automatic | ||
34 | PA13 | SWDIO | in/out | ST-Link programmer | |
37 | PA14 | SWCLK | in/out | ST-Link programmer | |
2 | PC13 | GPIO C13 | out | OUT_OD 2MHz | LED (active low) |
PA0-3 form the Xilinx JTAG connection.
PA9 is a 921600 8N1 serial debug output.
PC13 toggles on each XVC command.