Just another seed for mine and your React projects 🤗

What is in the box? 📦

  • Not a Solid 🐍
  • React 17
  • TypeScript
  • Webpack 5
  • Storybook 6
  • Cypress 9
  • Jest 27
  • React Testing Library
  • Collecting total code-coverage from:
    • Cypress e2e test runs
    • Cypress component test runs
    • Jest test runs

✅ Storybook and Cypress run on the Webpack config provided.

Misc and tweaks

  • Some Prettier config
  • Some ESLint config
  • Some image loading
  • Some SVG loading
  • Some Storybook helper functions to easily describe Stories in CSF-format
  • Changed Storybook Docs global render (you may remove "docs" section from "parameters" in ./storybook/preview.js file)
  • Two tsconfigs to avoid Cypress/Jest typings collision
  • 🐳 Some Docker and Docker Compose configs

NPM commands

npm run ... Description
start Starts an App, visits local URL
start:instrumented Starts an App, instruments code to collect code coverage during e2e
run:docker-compose Starts an App hosted in docker-container (visit
run:docker-compose:rebuild The same as above, but builds containers from scratch
build Builds an App, puts build in dist/app
test:unit Runs simple js and js-dom based unit-tests
test:unit:watch The same as above, but for new (uncommitted) unit-test
test:components:browser Runs component tests in the browser via Cypress
test:components:ci The same as above, but browser is headless and records video
test:e2e:browser Runs e2e tests in the browser via Cypress
test:e2e:ci The same as above, but browser is headless and records video
cypress Opens Cypress UI for e2e tests
cypress-ct Opens Cypress UI for component tests
storybook Runs Storybook
build-storybook Builds Storybook, puts build in dist/storybook
report-total-coverage Merges Cypress, Cypress-CT and Jest tests coverage into single report

Code coverage

📊 To see total code coverage report run one by one:

  • npm run start:instrumented
  • npm run test:e2e:ci or npm run test:e2e:browser
  • npm run test:components:ci or npm run test:components:browser
  • npm run test:unit
  • npm run report-total-coverage

The report is waiting for you in /coverage/total/lcov-report/index.html.